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Why do I feel obligated to join the military?

Why do I feel obligated to join the military?

One of the most common reasons people join the military is because they feel drawn to serving their country. This sense of duty, or a “calling to service,” can arise from patriotic family values or the desire to do something meaningful.

Will I go to war if I join the Army?

Question: If I join the Army, will I absolutely go to war? Answer: Not all soldiers go to war. In the end, it’s up to the Department of Defense which units are deployed and when. Also, remember that not all soldiers who are deployed to a combat zone will actually see combat.

What are the best reasons to join the military?

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Top 20 Reasons To Join The Military. 1 #1. Serve Your Country. If you feel a sense of patriotism or duty towards the American people, joining the military is a great option. Once you’ve 2 #2. Get in Shape. 3 #3. GI Bill. 4 #4. Be Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself. 5 #5. Earn Respect and Admiration from Your Peers.

Should I join the military after college?

Often one of my number one pieces of advice to people is to not join the military simply because you have completed high school or junior college or completed your college degree. Join when you are ready!

How to know if you are ready to serve in the military?

Ten Signs That Prove You Are Ready To Serve in the Military 1. Reducing Weaknesses – You first need to find what your weaknesses are physically. Are you a strength athlete who… 2. Can Your Crush The Entry Fitness Test? – Getting TO any training requires you pass a fitness test. You can be in

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Should you join the military or stay at home?

Hometowns can be great. They’re comfortable, familiar, and full of people you know and trust. But they can also be traps, and hopping in a car and taking off is expensive. Joining the military is a great option if you’re looking to get away from home.