
How can I connect to Lord Krishna?

How can I connect to Lord Krishna?

The ideal time to chant Krishna mantra is Brahma Muhurat between 4 am and 6 am. Take bath early in the morning. Take bath and sit in front of a picture of Lord Krishna. Chant the chosen mantra in multiples of 108 times keeping count with a Tulsi mala.

How does Lord Krishna look in real?

Krishna’s good looks are the matter of folklore, but though commonly depicted in paintings and idols as blue, his skin colour was actually dark. Spiritualists believe that his all-inclusive, magnetic aura had blue hues and so he is generally depicted as being blue in colour.

Which day is Lord Krishna day?

Shri Krishna Janmashtami date varies every year. However, this year, Krishna Janmashtami will be observed today on Monday, August 30, 2021.

How can we describe the appearance of Lord Krishna?

Answer Wiki. It is possible to describe the appearance of Lord Krishna by reading or hearing the accounts of those who have seen Him directly. There are very beautiful descriptions of Lord Krishna recorded in the writings of those that had Lord Krishna’s darsana. Lord Brahma gives us descriptions and there are many throughout Srimad Bhagavatam.

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What are the secrets of Krishna Consciousness?

The secrets of Krishna consciousness are hidden within the hearts of Krishna’s pure devotees and there is absolutely no way we can ever understand and realize this ‘confidential knowledge’ unless we find a pure devotee of Krishna and surrender to him completely and make his instructions our life and soul.

Did Krishna bless his own portrait in Mathura?

In Mathura, some portraits of lord Krishnawere placed on His altar and the curtains were closed…Miraculously, this particular picture had Chandanam paste and flower showered over it… So, this particular portrait of Krishnais believed to be blessed by KrishnaHimself…”” Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba also narrates :

What is the significance of Krsna’s head ornament?

Wearing a peacock-feather ornament upon His head, blue karnikara flowers on His ears, a yellow garment as brilliant as gold, and the Vaijayanti garland, Lord Krsna exhibited His transcendental form as the greatest of dancers as He entered the forest of Vrndavana, beautifying it with the marks of His footprints. He filled the holes of His flute wi