
Where do I enter verification code?

Where do I enter verification code?

  1. On your device, go to your Google Account.
  2. At the top, in the navigation panel, select Security.
  3. Under “Signing in to Google,” tap 2-Step Verification. You might need to sign in.
  4. Under “Available second steps,” find “Authenticator app” and tap Change Phone.
  5. Follow the on-screen steps.

Where do I enter my Apple ID recovery code?

Generate a recovery key

  1. Go to Settings > [your name] > Password & Security.
  2. Tap Recovery Key.
  3. Slide to turn on Recovery Key.
  4. Tap Use Recovery Key and enter your device passcode.
  5. Write down your recovery key and keep it in a safe place.
  6. Confirm your recovery key by entering it on the next screen.

How do I bypass two factor authentication on Apple?

Answer: A: You can’t bypass 2FA. If you use security questions with your Apple ID, or if you don’t have access to a trusted device or phone number, go to iforgot.apple.com. Then you can unlock your account with your existing password or reset your password.

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How do I reset my Apple ID password without a trusted number?

If you lost / can’t reach the trusted device or phone number associated with your Apple ID

  1. Go to your Apple ID account page and enter your Apple ID and password.
  2. On the Verify Your Identity screen, select “Can’t access your trusted devices?”
  3. In the pop-up window, enter your Recovery Key.

How do I turn off two-step verification on Apple?

How do I turn off two-step verification?

  1. Sign in to your Apple ID account page.
  2. In the Security section, Click Edit.
  3. Click Turn Off two-step verification. Click again to confirm.
  4. Create new security questions and verify your date of birth.

How do I reset my Apple ID password without my phone?

If you can’t change or reset your password

  1. Go to iforgot.apple.com.
  2. Enter your Apple ID.
  3. Select the option to reset your password, then choose Continue.
  4. Choose to answer your security questions, get an email, or enter your Recovery Key.* Learn what to do if you don’t receive your verification or reset email.

How can I get my Apple verification code without my phone?

If you can’t receive a verification code on your trusted devices automatically, you can get one from Settings, even if your device is offline….If your device is offline:

  1. Go to Settings > [your name].
  2. Tap Password & Security.
  3. A message says “Account Details Unavailable.” Tap Get Verification Code.
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Can’t Get Apple verification code?

1) Click Didn’t get a verification code on the sign in screen. 2) Choose to have the code sent to your trusted phone number. 3) You’ll get a text message or phone call from Apple with your verification code. 4) Enter the code on your other device to complete sign in. See More…

What is the Apple ID verification?

A two-step verification or your Apple ID is an additional security feature to further secure your account. This requires you to verify your identity using any of your Apple devices before you manage your account. You also need this before you can make any purchases on the App Store or iTunes.

How do I retrieve my Apple ID?

Go to your Apple ID account page and click Forgot Apple ID or password.

  • When you’re asked to enter your Apple ID, click “If you forgot your Apple ID”, and you can look it up.
  • Enter your first name, last name, and email address. If you enter the wrong email address, you can try again with a different one.
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    How to verify my Apple ID account?

    1) Go to https://appleid.apple.com/ in a web browser. This is the website you can use to manage your Apple ID account. 2) Enter your Apple ID and password. To sign in, enter the email address associated with your Apple ID and click the arrow icon. 3) Enter the verification code (if two-factor authentication is activated). If you have two-factor authentication activated, check your trusted device for a verification code. 4) Click Edit next to the “Security” section. It’s the second section in your Apple ID web page. 5) Click Didn’t get the Email?. This is under any email addresses you have not verified. This will send a new verification email to your email address. 6) Open the verification email. Check the email that the verification email was sent to. Look for a verification email Apple. 7) Enter the verification code. Once you have the verification code from the email, enter it in the Apple ID web page. 8) Click Verify. This will verify your email address. How do you verify an Apple account? You simply need to use the password.