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How do you make your sister feel guilty?

How do you make your sister feel guilty?

Sometimes the best way to annoy your sister is not to do anything at all – just pretend she doesn’t exist!

  1. Don’t ever look at her or acknowledge her presence at all.
  2. Whenever she says something to you, don’t reply, pretend you didn’t hear anything.
  3. You can take this even further by pretending she doesn’t even exist.

How do I tell my sister to stop treating me so badly?

What you can do is tell her it’s no longer acceptable. Keep the conversation brief, firm and right to the point. Don’t argue too much. Lead the conversation to where you want. Tell her if she can’t be a supportive, caring and loving sister the it’s better to turn mute. You are not going to accept such treatment anymore.

How do you deal with a toxic sibling?

But there are ways to handle these scenarios. Remember, this goes above average sibling rivalry. If your sibling is truly a toxic person and it affects not only your relationship, but your entire family dynamic, it is imperative that you resist the urge to emerge victorious, because this is not about winning.

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How do you deal with a sibling who constantly tries to bully?

Rise above the BS People who try to get under your skin want to see you mad. It replenishes their bully electrolytes. If your sibling is doing this to you, do the opposite. Tell them you love them. Give them a compliment. It’ll throw them off their game entirely, and will give you a few moments of quiet.

How do I Stop my siblings from picking fights with each other?

If you know your sibling will likely start to pick a fight with you, avoid sitting next to them, being alone with them, or going on vacations with them, if at all possible. Sometimes, you won’t be able to accomplish this, because they are family, so just do what you can to keep the contact restricted.