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Should I always listen to my parents?

Should I always listen to my parents?

It’s time to admit they know more than you and know what’s best for you. Therefore, you should not only listen to what your parents have to say, but respect what they are asking you to do. If you come from a place of obedience and respect, then life will go a lot easier for both you and your parents.

How do you convince your parents to follow your dreams?

Believe in yourself, and people will believe in you. To convince our loving parents about our dreams, remember Trust yourself and be hopeful as life is full of surprises and you never know whose blessings might work for you.

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Why you should follow your parents?

Parents want to give advice all the time because they want to protect you from making the mistakes they made or that someone they know made. That way, your parents will understand how you feel and they will have a chance to explain their side of things. “Obedience to parents is important.

What do you do when your parents don’t support your goals?

So what do you do when your parents don’t support your goals? If you have unsupportive parents, here are my 9 tips: Understand your parents’ concerns. Even though our parents may seem like a nag, they usually come from a good place, with a good reason for objecting vs. them objecting for the sake of it.

Why are my parents so resistant to me going into debt?

Because many things in life (housing choices, day-to-day living, and life options) depend on money, at least in our current world. Your parents, being older, have likely seen the problems that come with financial instability, which makes them resistant when they see you walking down a potentially negative path.

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What does being a parent teach you about yourself?

“It teaches us lessons of determination and creative thinking,” he says. “And when it’s your turn to be the parent, make sure you’re aiming for the right goal. If the goal is to weed the garden and you end up in a mud fight with your child, then you may feel like a failure.

Is it worth heeding your parents’ advice?

However, not all parental advice is worth heeding. (“Don’t wear white after Labor Day”! ) We talked to family experts about which advice is worth taking and which advice you can immediately forget so you can maintain a healthy relationship with your parents without jeopardizing your own goals or sanity.
