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What is difference between North Korea and South Korea?

What is difference between North Korea and South Korea?

North Korea is a one-party totalitarian state run by the Kim dynasty. South Korea was formerly governed by a succession of military dictatorships until democratization in 1987 when it held direct elections. Both nations claim the entire Korean peninsula and outlying islands.

Is there a genetic difference between North and South Korea?

Permutation tests revealed that Korean populations harbored significantly higher levels of within-population genetic variation than those from NE China (expected heterozygosity = 0.173 vs. 0.095, respectively).

Which country is rich North Korea or South Korea?

In 2019, South Korea’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to around 1,919 trillion South Korean won, compared to that of North Korea which was approximately 35.28 trillion South Korean won. With this, South Korea’s nominal GDP was around 54 times greater than that of North Korea.

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Why are north and South Koreans so different in height?

A difference is also obvious between North and South Korean children. “The height gap is approximately 4cm (1.6in) among pre-school boys and 3cm (1.2in) among pre-school girls, and again the South Koreans would be taller.” Schwekendiek points out that the height difference cannot be attributed to genetics, because the two populations are the same.

What is the population of North Korea compared to South Korea?

Despite a similar geographical size, South Korea’s population (over 51 million) is almost twice as large as North Korea’s (more than 25 million). Due to their poor diet, North Koreans tend to be smaller than South Koreans.

How tall are North Korean refugees?

Professor Daniel Schwekendiek from Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul has studied the heights of North Korean refugees measured when they crossed the border into South Korea. He says North Korean men are, on average, between 3 – 8cm (1.2 – 3.1in) shorter than their South Korean counterparts.

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How does North Korea’s Military differ from South Korea?

North Korean army is more powerful than that of South Korea as it spends 22\% of its GDP on its military. Whereas South Korea spends just 2.8\% of its GDP. 6. Rules For Military In South Korea, men have to serve for just 2 years. But in North Korea, men have to serve for a decade and women until 23 years of age. 7. GDP