
What does it mean for someone to be discreet?

What does it mean for someone to be discreet?

In the 1500s, discrete became more widespread, and so the spelling discreet came to prevail for its sense. One way to remember the difference between the two is that the noun form of discreet is discretion: You’re showing discretion when you are being discreet. The noun form of discrete is discreteness.

How do you use discrete and discreet in a sentence?

You can use the endings of these two words to remember which meaning belongs to each. For example, if a friend asks you to be discreet, it would be rude to tell other people his or her secret. Conversely, it is sweet to be discreet.

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What is an example of discreet?

The definition of discreet is someone or something that is careful about their behavior or keeps secrets. An example of discreet is the policy of a hair salon that won’t tell who their famous clients are. Respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic. With a discreet gesture, she reminded him to mind his manners.

What does not discreet mean?

Discreet means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but discrete means individual or detached. They come from the same ultimate source, the Latin discrētus, for separated or distinct, but discreet has taken its own advice and quietly gone its separate way.

What is the opposite of discretely?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for discretely. aggregately, altogether, collectively, together.

What is the opposite of discreetly?

discreet. Antonyms: undiscerning, blind, foolish, imprudent, indiscreet, unrestrained, reckless, injudicious, silly. Synonyms: discerning, wise, prudent, circumspect, cautious, wary, regulative, sensible, judicious.

What’s a word for discrete?

separate, distinct, individual, detached, unattached, disconnected, discontinuous, disjunct, disjoined.

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How do you use the word discreetly?

Discreetly sentence example

  1. She discreetly began to dig through the other messages.
  2. How did she go about getting one discreetly?
  3. Edward discreetly drew a veil over his mother’s relations with Mortimer, and treated her with every respect.

Which word does discreet correspond to?

judicious in one’s conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect. showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence. modestly unobtrusive; unostentatious: a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.

What is the difference between discretely and discreetly?

Discreetly is a see also of discretely. As adverbs the difference between discreetly and discretely. is that discreetly is acting in a discreet manner; one that respects privacy or secrecy; quietly; diplomatically while discretely is as a separate independent unit.

Can discrete ever be used to describe a person?

It can be used to describe someone who is private and cautious , or who understands the consequence of sharing certain or private information. We might ask if someone is discreet, meaning we can trust them to not share information we would prefer to keep private. The noun forms are “discretion” and “discreetness.” How to Use Discrete

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How do you spell discreet?

The correct spelling is discreet, not discrete. Discreet here means using discretion, respecting issues of privacy and decency. Having a word with someone means having a talk with them. Having a discreet word with someone usually means you talk to someone in private – you take them apart at the coffee corner,…

How do you spell discrete?

Correct spelling for the English word “discrete” is [d_ɪ_s_k_ɹ_ˈiː_t], [dɪskɹˈiːt], [dɪskɹˈiːt]] (IPA phonetic alphabet).