
Why am I such a spiteful person?

Why am I such a spiteful person?

Spiteful behaviour is motivated by being hurt. When someone says something with malicious intent to hurt, to get their point across, they’re being spiteful. That person won’t think about the other person’s reasoning behind why they say what they say, instead they will simply lash out.

Is it bad to be a spiteful person?

“Spite can become very destructive,” says David Marcus, a psychologist at Washington State University and the lead author of a study published in the journal Psychological Assessment. Someone in the midst of a divorce may hurt themselves financially or even risk alienating their kids just to get back at their ex.

Is spiteful a personality trait?

Research explores spitefulness, an understudied ‘dark’ personality trait.

How do you get rid of a vindictive person?

Coping with vindictiveness in your relationship

  1. Set boundaries.
  2. Vocalize your terms or boundaries.
  3. Don’t second-guess yourself.
  4. Try not to internalize.
  5. Shelter from their anger.
  6. Develop a safety plan.
  7. Consider asking for help.
  8. Suggest they seek help.
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How do you deal with a spiteful partner?

5 Ways to Cope with a Passive-Aggressive Spouse

  1. Learn to identify your spouse’s passive-aggressive behaviors.
  2. Understand where passive-aggression comes from.
  3. Accept the situation for what it is.
  4. Don’t make excuses for your spouse or justify their behavior.
  5. Set healthy boundaries.

How do you deal with hateful spiteful people?

Show them kindness: By treating them kindly—even though you may not feel they deserve your kindness—you’ll be taking the first step in healing. Changing your negative feelings into something more positive will help you to feel better. “Continue to be kind and courteous despite their mean ways,” says Dr. Jackson.