
Would Tolkien have liked Star Wars?

Would Tolkien have liked Star Wars?

The Elves and Hobbits were his ideal, both much more in harmony with nature than anuthing presented in Star Wars. He might even feel like the Tolkien estate feels about Peter Jackson’s LOTR movies- utterly horrified.

Will LOTR ever be public domain?

So, under the copyright law at the time of publication, the copyright duration is 95 years. The Hobbit was published in 1937, so copyright lasts through 2032. Fellowship of the Rings was 1954, so it goes into the public domain on Jan 1st 2050.

Will we ever see a Silmarillion movie?

And it is true, Peter Jackson will never obtain the rights to make a film adaptation of The Silmarillion, but nor will any other film-producer. Unlike The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, the film rights for The Silmarillion were never sold and still remain with the Tolkien family.

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Could The Hobbit have been one movie?

The Hobbit, yes, LOTR, probably no—at least not effectively. For TH it would be easy to put all of the elements of the book-story into one film, with just a little more added in and it could still have all fit into one movie. That’s even including the songs. It was not a very lengthy book.

Why did Tolkien hate his fans?

J.R.R. Tolkien felt many of his fans were “lunatics.” He was also utterly skeptical of most LOTR fans, who he believed were incapable of really appreciating the work, and he probably would have been horrified by movie fandom dressing up like Legolas.

Did Star Wars copy LOTR?

Peter Jackson’s films based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s master work, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, were released in 2001, 2002, 2003. Before Peter Jackson’s films would inspire the more recent installments of Star Wars, George Lucas certainly took inspiration from Tolkien’s work in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

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Is Hobbit copyrighted?

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again/Copyright date

What is wrong with the Hobbit trilogy?

One of the main problems in adapting The Hobbit is that Smaug the dragon doesn’t fit the mold of a modern villain, being little more than a hoarder with a bad temper. To solve the problem, Jackson’s Smaug was more vicious than his book counterpart, and this alteration worked well enough for film.

What did Tolkien eat at the First Lord of the Rings?

Tolkien showed up at a packed hall where 200 hobbit fanatics had come to hear him and other scholars talk about Middle-earth. The menu for the dinner was whimsically Tolkienesque, with Egg-salad à la Barliman Butterbur, Vegetables of Goldberry, and Maggot-soup (mushroom soup regrettably named after Farmer Maggot).

How are incidents in The Hobbit similar to Lord of the Rings?

Incidents in both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are similar in narrative and style to the novel, and its overall style and imagery have been suggested as having had an influence on Tolkien. Tolkien’s portrayal of goblins in The Hobbit was particularly influenced by George MacDonald ‘s The Princess and the Goblin.

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Did you know that someone had made a recording of Tolkien’s events?

Thankfully we now know that someone had made a complete recording of the event. This reel-to-reel tape was discovered in 1993 by a Dutchman named René van Rossenberg, a Tolkien expert who owns a shop in the Netherlands devoted to all things Middle-earth ( Why didn’t van Rossenberg show it to anybody until now?

What is Tolkien’s attitude towards WW1 in The Hobbit?

Interpretation. The Hobbit makes a warning against repeating the tragedies of World War I, and Tolkien’s attitude as a veteran may well be summed up by Bilbo’s comment: “Victory after all, I suppose! Well, it seems a very gloomy business.”.