
Who is stronger 4th raikage or Tsunade?

Who is stronger 4th raikage or Tsunade?

The difference in their strength is no were near as big as their difference in speed. Tsunade is stronger that A, especially if she releases her seal, but she is not miles stronger than him. On the another hand, A is much faster than Tsunade.

Who is stronger Tsunade or 3rd raikage?

Tsunade would beat the 3rd Raikage with High difficulty at least 7/10 times.

Which Raikage is the strongest?

The Third Raikage, A, is said to be the strongest Raikage to ever take on the mantle. His feats of single-handedly taking the Eight-Tails on and fighting a massive army of 10,000 shinobi go on to show just how strong he was in his prime.

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Could Tsunade beat the Raikage?

His Anbu training would give him a distinct advantage over the Raikage and allow him to attack opportunistically, forcing the fight to his terms. Tsunade may have proven the physical superior to A in terms of raw power (as demonstrated through their arm wrestle), but she does not have a fraction of the speed he possesses.

How strong is Raikage a from Naruto?

A from Naruto is one of the strongest shinobi. To properly assess how capable the Raikage is, here are some comparisons with a diverse array of foes. A was the Fourth Raikage of the Village Hidden in the Clouds and arguably the strongest fighter of the Five Kage.

How would Sasuke defeat the Raikage?

While this would be useful against most of the ninja in the anime’s universe, Sasuke was able to overcome this by electrocuting his own body, frying the tiny constructs inside. With the Raikage able to use a lightning release, he would arrive at the same conclusion, shortly precipitating the Akatsuki’s demise.

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How would Jiraiya defeat the Raikage?

The one technique that Jiraiya might use to give the Raikage pause is by creating a spiked shield from his hair, but given A’s willingness to pulverize Sasuke at the cost of his leg, this would still not delay him long. David Zimmerman is an English major from the United States.