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Why do some people always find fault in other people?

Why do some people always find fault in other people?

People who are finding faults in others must have some deep-rooted insecurity in them. There is a sign of insecurity that you judge people so often and find faults in them. People when jealous of others also find faults in them. The things in which you find faults reflect the things you don’t like about yourself.

What do you call someone who always finds faults?

Some common synonyms of faultfinding are captious, carping, censorious, critical, and hypercritical. While all these words mean “inclined to look for and point out faults and defects,” faultfinding implies a querulous or exacting temperament. a faultfinding reviewer.

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Why do people not want to look at their own faults?

People do not want to look at their own faults because if they see that they are broken they will have to fix the problem, and that means work, a lot of work. Thinking is work and it takes a lot of thinking to change a problem.

Is it possible to deal with someone who cannot see themselves?

If you’ve ever dealt with someone who cannot see her own faults, you know how frustrating it is. It’s like asking someone to wipe a smudge of lipstick off her cheek when there’s no mirror around. And that’s assuming that the person is willing to work on the problems related to her faults, which is not assured or even probable.

What happens when a person won’t admit to having faults?

When a person who won’t admit to having faults makes a poor decision as a result of not taking her failings into account, don’t get swept up in the drama.

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What does the Bible say about looking at your own faults?

“When looking faults; We must use a mirror, not a telescope.” Anonymous 11. “O, happy the soul that saw its own faults.” Rumi 12. “Keep up a humble sense of your own faults, and that will make you compassionate to others.”