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Is it correct to say please do the needful?

Is it correct to say please do the needful?

Do the needful is a common phrase in Indian English. It means do that which is needed. If it sounds too clunky or vague to you, or if your audience will be unfamiliar with it, you can politely ask people to do what you need them to do instead.

Is please do the needful rude?

Please do the needful.” To directly answer the OP’s question, it is exceptionally rude. It is presumptuous in telling rather than asking, and carries a condescending tone.

Could you please look into this and do the needful?

It means examine this object/document/problem and do whatever is necessary/needed to deal with it/fix it. needful is a rather uncommon and slightly archaic word: 2.

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How do you use please do the needful in a sentence?

As you have better contacts with musicians, kindly do the needful. do the needful is used when we want to cut the story short. In fact, at times, we just write do the needful and the favorer understands everything!

How do you politely ask for something fast?

Alternatives to ASAP

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary.
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt.
  3. At your earliest convenience.
  4. Whenever you’re able.

Where did the term my bad originate?

This slang term was originated in about 1970. “My bad, (My mistake – I’m to blame, an expression uttered after making a bad pass or missing an opponent.” Pick-up basketball slang spread by Manute Bol, a basketball player of Sudanese origin playing with the Golden State Warriors. Subsequently adopted by teammates.

How do you say look in an email?

The usual phrase is “please take a look at this thread”, though “have a look at is OK.

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Is a matter of urgency?

If you are going to do something as a matter of urgency or priority, you are going to do it as soon as possible, because it is important. You need to talk about it with your doctor as a matter of urgency.

Does British English need needful?

It is a corruption of the (British) English expression, “Do the necessary.” This is a somewhat lighthearted expression and should not be used in formal writing.

What does it mean when a girl says send it?

Send it means to so something with confidence, and without overthinking it.

Is “do the needful” wrong?

Do the needful is a very Indian phrase that is not part of native English speakers’ lexicon anywhere in the world. While it is grammatically correct, it is not universally appropriate. It is “wrong” because it is Inglish, not English !!

Is “do the needful” grammatically wrong?

Do the needful is a very Indian phrase that is not part of native English speakers’ lexicon anywhere in the world. While it is grammatically correct, it is not universally appropriate. It is “wrong” because it is Inglish, not English !! Well … just kidding – I meant that it is Indian English !!!!

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What does Please do the needful mean?

I consider this to mean Take the appropriate action to achieve the required result. “For example, a project manager gets a mail from marketing or quality assurance about something missing or incomplete, then he/she sends a mail to the subordinate with the body “Please do the needful”.

Is the word ‘needful’ an offensive word?

It isn’t offensive, but it’s not authentic native English as used by the general run of native English speakers. Indeed, it looks more like the kind of textbooky English taught to Indians and the Chinese — the first clue is “needful,” a real albeit outdated English word not usually used by most English speakers today.