Tips and tricks

Is it normal to feel indifferent about your boyfriend?

Is it normal to feel indifferent about your boyfriend?

My darling, when you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s very normal to feel some periods of indifference for your partner. Love ebbs and flows; that’s very natural. That said, these periods shouldn’t be too frequent.

What does it mean to be indifferent in a relationship?

Indifference is not caring what the other person does in a relationship. There are no arguments, so everything may seem okay on the surface. Arguing stops because you don’t care if you were right or felt hurt by another person’s words or actions.

Why does my boyfriend need constant reassurance?

Someone who seems to need constant reassurance may have an anxious insecure attachment style. It can also be a sign of you and your partner having different ideas on what level of affection and attention you want in a relationship.

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Why do I feel less in love with my partner?

There will be certain situations in your relationship that make you think twice or feel less towards your partner. A horrible argument perhaps or too much attachment towards one another or not getting the attention you deserve can stir up your feelings towards the person you love.

Why is my boyfriend not interested in Me Anymore?

That could happen for a different number of reasons and one of them is a lack of communication. If you don’t have open and sincere communication with your man, chances are that things won’t be as awesome as you thought.

Are the days he’s not feeling the same way about you?

Yet we decide “yes”, because actions speak louder than words or feelings. On the days you are not feeling your love for him. Are the days he’s feeling the same way about you. Since you both feel that way at the same time. It will dull your emotions with each other.

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Do you feel love for your boyfriend every day?

Love isn’t a feeling, it’s an action. How many times do we do things for our family/friends and we don’t always “feel” like it or even are on good terms with them. Yet we decide “yes”, because actions speak louder than words or feelings. On the days you are not feeling your love for him. Are the days he’s feeling the same way about you.