
What is the difference between northern states and southern states?

What is the difference between northern states and southern states?

Northern states experienced greater urbanization and industrialization, while the Southern states largely remained rural (with only a few well-populated urban areas) and focused on plantation agriculture. The population of the Northern states was more than twice that of Southern states.

What was a major difference between the northern and southern states *?

Difference between northern and southern states: The northern states developed as manufacturing and shipping centers. Whereas the southern states developed great plantation industries, the most important being the cotton growing industry.

What was the main difference between the North and the South in 1820?

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In the early to mid 1800s, northern states had a thriving AGRARIAN/ INDUSTRIAL economy. They relied heavily on FARMING/ MANUFACTURING as well as on finance. In contrast, southern states had fewer FACTORIES/ RESOURCES.

How were the north and south similar?

The North and South both had lots of characteristics that were similar such as discrimination against African Americans, reliance on cotton, and the growth of factories in some large cities. The North and South also had a lot of differences such as their transportation, geography, and economical growth.

What were the economic differences between the North and south?

The north had a much more industrial revolutionized approach toward their lifestyle, while the south was more inclined with slave -labor. The north made a living from industrial lifestyles rapidly producing many products like textiles, sewing machines, farm equipment, and guns.

How did the northern and southern economies differ during the Civil war?

The Union’s industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion. In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult.

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How did the North and South differ in the 1800s?

The North had an industrial economy, an economy focused on manufacturing, while the South had an agricultural economy, an economy focused on farming. Slaves worked on Southern plantations to farm crops, and Northerners would buy these crops to produce goods that they could sell.

How did the northern and Southern economies differ during the Civil War?

Is it southerly or Southern?

As adjectives the difference between southerly and southernly. is that southerly is coming from the south while southernly is somewhat southern.

What is the difference between Northerners and Southerners?

In the United States, northerners tend to be more liberal, whereas southerners are more conservative. The south has more religion to it, that is, religion is a larger aspect of their lives (hence conservative) and there tends to be more racism and homophobia in the southern region.

What are the southern states of the US?

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  • Tennessee
  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Mississippi
  • Alabama
  • Georgia
  • Florida
  • What are the similarities between the north and the south?

    Similarities Between the North and South. Both the northern and Southern hemispheres are separated by the equator. The earth also rotates at a similar pace at the equator around 1040 miles per hour, however at both the North and south poles it is almost static.

    What are the similarities between northern and southern colonies?

    Both the northern and southern colonies relied on farming as their main source of livelihood, they both employed similar methods of preparing the land and planted similar crops. The north planted wheat and corn and the south planted cotton and rice. They both employed economic policies based on their ideas of a nation.