Tips and tricks

Is white paper same as research paper?

Is white paper same as research paper?

It’s a good idea to seek corroboration from peer-reviewed research and to ask other researchers for help assessing a study. A white paper is generally a report that outlines a complex issue and sometimes also explores possible solutions to a problem. Government agencies issue a lot of white papers.

What type of research is a white paper?

A white paper is a deeply researched report on a specific topic that presents a solution to a problem within an industry. It is usually written by a company to illustrate their knowledge and expertise through facts and evidence; however, it should not advertise or endorse a company’s product.

What does white paper mean in research?

White Paper: Purpose and Audience Summary: A white paper is a certain type of report that is distinctive in terms of purpose, audience, and organization. This resource will explain these issues and provide some other tips to enhance white paper content.

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What is a white paper paper?

White papers are policy documents produced by the Government that set out their proposals for future legislation. White Papers are often published as Command Papers and may include a draft version of a Bill that is being planned.

What are the types of research papers?

Types of research papers

  • Analytical Research Paper.
  • Argumentative (Persuasive) Research Paper.
  • Definition Paper.
  • Compare and Contrast Paper.
  • Cause and Effect Paper.
  • Interpretative Paper.
  • Experimental Research Paper.
  • Survey Research Paper.

Why is it called GREY literature?

Scientists generally place the most trust in information published in journals that use the peer-review process. These documents are all considered “grey literature.” The term grey literature comes from the uncertainty of the status of this information.

Does a white paper have an author?

It may be obvious, but the author of the white paper should be, well, its author! Or, you might choose one lead author. This should be the person who will interact with those who are interested in the topic, who is good at doing media interviews, and who speaks at conferences and events on the topic.

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Why is it called white paper?

A white paper is an authoritative guide that discusses issues on a certain subject, along with a proposed solution for handling them. The term, “white paper”, came about after the government color-coded reports to indicate who could access them, with the color white referring to public access.

What exactly is a research paper?

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research. Writing a research paper requires you to demonstrate a strong knowledge of your topic, engage with a variety of sources, and make an original contribution to the debate.

What is the standard format for a research paper?

The Modern Language Association (MLA) specifies a standard format for essays and research papers written in an academic setting: One-inch page margins. Double-spaced paragraphs A header with author’s last name and page number one-half inch from the top of each page.

What does white paper mean?

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A white paper is an authoritative guide or report that explains the benefits of a particular technology, product or policy. White papers are published on the Web and in print by researchers, organization vendors and consultants.

How does paper become white?

Pure cellulose is white, and the paper made from it will be white and will resist yellowing. Lignin eventually turns paper yellow because of oxidation. That is, the lignin molecules, when exposed to oxygen in the air, begin to change and become less stable. The lignin will absorb more light, giving off a darker color.

What is an example of white paper?

In government. Examples of governmental white papers include, in Australia, the White Paper on Full Employment and, in the United Kingdom, the White Paper of 1939 and the 1966 Defence White Paper .