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What does it mean when girl give her number?

What does it mean when girl give her number?

If a girl gives you her number, she may want something from you. She may want to network with you or ask for a favor. She might want to borrow something from you, or inquire about a mutual acquaintance. Whatever the reason, she wants to talk to you in the privacy of a confidential phone call.

How do you convince a girl for her number over text?

(1) Open your phone to the texting screen. (2) Let her enter her number in the “to” field and her first name in the text message field. (3) Then fill it in with, “Hey (her name), it was great to meet you at X.

Why would a girl ask for Your Number instead of yours?

If she’s not interested, she may ask for your number, or she will give you her number only to ignore your calls and texts (basically only to get rid of you). I mean, to me it’s just suspicious if a girl agrees to go have a drink with me but refuses to give out her number and instead asks for mine.

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Why would a girl give you a fake phone number?

If so, she may have just given it to you so that you would stop asking. The best bet in this case is to check the number and make sure that it’s not fake. Often times women will give out a fake phone line because they want to appease you, but also never want to talk to you again. It’s a cruddy situation, but it happens all the time fellas. 3.

Why would a girl give you her number without rejecting you?

A girl can give you her number so she can delay the unpleasant task of rejecting you into the future, when you’re not face-to-face and there’s less pressure. Listen to me guy. Dating is simple. There are two types of girls in this world – ones that like you off the bat, and everyone else.

Should I give her my Number if I don’t want her?

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No. People procrastinate doing difficult stuff, including rejecting people they have no interest in. A girl can give you her number so she can delay the unpleasant task of rejecting you into the future, when you’re not face-to-face and there’s less pressure. Listen to me guy.