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What makes Rear Window a great movie?

What makes Rear Window a great movie?

Simply put, Rear Window is a great film, perhaps one of the finest ever committed to celluloid. All of the elements are perfect (or nearly so), including the acting, script, camerawork, music (by Franz Waxman), and, of course, direction.

How is Rear Window a thriller?

Thorwald discovers Jeff spying on him while the police and Lisa are in Thorwald’s apartment. After the police leave with Lisa, Jeff loses track of Thorwald. This in itself builds suspense because we know that Thorwald has discovered Jeff spying on him and yet we don’t know where Thorwald is or what he is doing.

What is so interesting significant about the camera placement in the movie Rear Window?

The camera movements mimic those of a real person slowly panning over a scene to understand what’s going on. These kinds of shots help sell you the illusion of voyeurism, to give you the feeling that you are there in the room with Stewart looking at the goings-on of all of these unusual neighbors.

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Why is Rear Window famous?

Rear Window (1954) is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s most famous of films with its leading duo being James Stewart and Grace Kelly. The film is a paramount exhibit in Hitchcock’s skill as a suspense writer and director. The film surrounds L.B. Jefferies “Jeff” and Lisa Carol Fremont.

What makes Rear Window a masterpiece?

They are the reasons why, according to director Martin Scorsese, Rear Window is viewable and enjoyable over and over and over again. It is pure cinema. Everything in it worthy of praise – the sets, the colors, the lighting, the music. It is the master’s masterpiece.

What are the themes of Rear Window?

There are four historical context themes that are key to understanding Rear Window: the evolving role of women in society, suburbanisation in the USA, masculinity, and the beginning of the Cold War.

How is tension created in Rear Window?

In Rear Window, there are five main characters: “Jeff”, Lisa (Grace Kelly), Tom, Stella (“Jeff’s” nurse) and Thorwald (the killer). Rear Window is filled with seemingly unimportant characters that become key to the story and are used to increase the tension.

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What is the message of Rear Window?

Rear Window is a commentary on social values and provokes its audience to examine habits of their own, especially in a world where sensitive information is at our fingertips. Just as Hitchcock’s 1954 characters invite perversive eyes to inspect their lives, society today is guilty of the same apathy.

How does editing of Rear Window work to establish the narrative of the film?

Point-of-view editing allows the audience to sit in the seat of our main character, Jeff Jefferies, and witness his reactions to what is going on in various neighbor’s apartments. Jump cuts and repetition of images emphasize the editorial choices intended to create suspense and interest in the audience.

What is the ideology of Rear Window?

What are the themes in Rear Window?

What is the ultimate message of Rear Window?

Why is Hitchcock’s Rear Window so appealing?

For all intents and purposes, Rear Window is a film about voyeurism, so it makes sense that Hitchcock’s approach to the film would be to force audiences to become voyeurs. And there are a lot of cinematic elements at play in Rear Window that help put audiences into the role.

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What is it like to watch rear window?

Watching Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 thriller Rear Window is an interesting and somewhat unusual experience. On one hand you’re a passive spectator watching a film about a recently-incapacitated photographer spying on his neighbors out of boredom, but on the other you are an extension of good ol’ Jimmy Stewart’s intrusive gaze.

What are the effects in the rear window in Psycho?

Rear Window is full of suspense and it definitely doesn’t disappoint. There are many effects that Hitchcock has used but there are a few that stand out more than the rest. One of these effects would be when Lars Thorwald is removing items from his apartment in a large case in the early hours of the morning.

How is suspense used in rear window?

This is used to great effect in Rear window, when the character Lisa is breaking into Jefferies’ neighbour’s apartment but the neighbour is returning home and will discover her. This means that the audience can feel anticipation as to what will happen next.