
What makes a piano performance good?

What makes a piano performance good?

Good (and especially great) piano players have full control over their playing, and everything is intentional. If they play a note loudly it’s because that note was MEANT to be played that way. I often say that practicing dynamics is the faster way to go from a good piano player to a great one.

What does playing the piano feel like?

I’d say for me that 75\% of the time, playing the piano feels relaxing and pleasurable, like soaking in a nice jacuzzi tub or how you feel right after, er, some intense cuddling with a significant other.

Is piano bad for your brain?

Playing piano is particularly beneficial in 3 areas of the brain: the motor, visual and auditory cortices. Scientists have found that playing music creates strong brain activity in both hemispheres, which increases activity in the corpus callossum (the bridge between the left and right hemispheres).

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How do you overcome piano performance anxiety?

Practice Centering Yourself Tell yourself the first thing you will do when you begin to play. Take a deep breath to calm yourself physically and get rid of muscle tension. Shift in your seat until you have found your best posture. Finally, when it is time to begin, do not hesitate, just trust yourself and go for it.

Why piano is the best instrument?

The piano plays a wide range of notes, with a greater range than any other single instrument. With notes laid out in an intuitive fashion – lower notes on the left, higher notes on the right – and sharp and flat keys easily distinguished, students can easily pick up the early lessons of music theory.

Is playing piano attractive?

But did you know it’s considered to be sexy too? A Vanity Fair/60 Minutes survey ranking the sexiest instruments to play has the piano at number three—just behind the guitar and the saxophone. They found that the top instrument was the guitar at 26 percent, followed closely by the saxophone at 25 percent.

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Does playing piano make you smarter?

There’s growing scientific evidence that shows learning to play an instrument—and piano in particular—can actually make you smarter, happier, and healthier. The cognitive demands of learning piano could help with everything from planning skills and language development to reducing anxiety and even boosting memory!