
What did team Iron Man want?

What did team Iron Man want?

Steve Rogers, and his team believe that superheroes should remain free to safeguard humanity without government influence, while Iron Man, A.K.A. Tony Stark, supports government oversight. The second factor is the issue of the Winter Soldier.

Are Iron Man and Captain America best friends?

After discovering the truth about his parents, Tony was shattered and acknowledged the friendship between them. You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice, but he’s my friend.”, Tony responds with three simple words: “So was I.” He was shocked as he considered Steve his friend and he felt betrayed.

What happened to Captain America’s team?

The Howling Commandos were an elite combat unit that had been led by Captain America during World War II. At the end of the war and Captain America’s apparent demise, their unit continued to be active and was led by Dum Dum Dugan.

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What is the difference between Captain America and Iron Man’s morality?

In Captain America’s case the morality of the issue lies in the rule of personal choice. Whereas Iron Man’s morality takes a utilitarian greater good approach to those rules.

Who are the Avengers and how were they formed?

The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. when Loki invaded Earth with his Chitauri army to conquer the planet. The team, consisting of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Hulk, defeated Loki and went their separate ways for a while.

What happened to the original Iron Man team?

After Captain America was able to stop Helmut Zemo, the instigator of their fight, the team was divided; Iron Man, Vision and War Machine remained official members, while a small group consisting of Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon continued to operate in the shadows.

Why did Tony Stark join the Avengers?

With the world yet again being threatened, Stark joined the Avengers and helped defeat the Chitauri and Loki. Due to the battle, he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, leading him to create the Iron Legion to safeguard the world and help him retire.