
What did the Hound see in the flames?

What did the Hound see in the flames?

After first denying that he could see anything but logs burning, the Hound described an ominous vision: “Ice, a wall of ice. The Wall… It’s where the Wall meets the sea. There’s a castle there.

What did Sandor see in the flames?

Thoros convinced Sandor to look into the flames of a fire and see a vision from the Lord of Light. To our surprise, Sandor did see something magical in the flames — the Wall. “It’s where the Wall meets the sea,” Sandor said. “There’s a castle there.”

Who does the Hound mean is coming for the mountain?

The most likely answer remains The Hound himself. With Oberyn Martell dead, he’s the one person who hates The Mountain most in the world. With the threat of the White Walkers weighing on him, The Hound likely made a decision upon seeing what’s left of his brother.

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What battle did stannis see in the flames?

The first potential mention of the Battle of Winterfell may have been in the season 2 finale, “Valar Morghulis”, when Stannis first saw a vision in the flames. This is after his resounding defeat at the Battle of Blackwater, when Stannis is still reeling from the loss of his fleet and most of his army.

What battle did stannis see?

The Battle of Winterfell was a battle late in the War of the Five Kings, in which King Stannis Baratheon attempts to take Winterfell from Lord Roose Bolton, the Lannister-backed Warden of the North.

Does Theon join the Night’s Watch?

Theon claims he does not want to be forgiven, even by joining the Night’s Watch, and instead decides to return home, knowing that Sansa will be safer with Brienne and Podrick. Before his departure though, Sansa embraces Theon in gratitude for helping her escape Ramsay.

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What did stannis see in the fire Reddit?

I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning . . . burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash.

What kind of character is the Hound in Game of Thrones?

Character description. Sandor Clegane, known as The Hound, was the younger brother of Gregor Clegane, and was a retainer to House Lannister. He was regarded as one of the most dangerous and skilled fighters in Westeros.

What does the Hound see while staring into the fire?

While staring into the fire The Hound says he sees a mountain in the shape of an arrowhead and the army of the dead marching past it. So what could it mean?

How does Gregor Clegane die in the Hound?

Gregor is momentarily disarmed after the Hound stabs him through the head, and the Hound tackles him off a stairway into the inferno below, resulting in both of their deaths. “HBO: Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane (“The Hound”): Bio”. “Game of Thrones Viewer’s Guide”. “A Read of Ice and Fire: A Storm of Swords, Part 48”.

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Who took the Hound’s helmet in Game of Thrones?

As for the Hound’s helmet, it is after revealed to Brienne and Podrick that it was Rorge and his criminal band who took it. And when the two of them are captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners and Rorge’s band is killed, Lem decides to keep the helmet for himself, despite Thoros’ opposition.