
What does my life my rules mean?

What does my life my rules mean?

MLR as abbreviation means “My Life Rules”. The way the trend is going, many like to say the famous line as “My life, my rules!” bluntly without thinking the consequences and the situation. Sure, the town you live in has rules.

What is the first rule of life?

Life may seem difficult right now, but by following rule #1 and not dwelling on the past, you can move forward to find happiness. Acknowledge your suffering, but don’t let it take over.

How can I live my life on my own rules?

16 Simple Rules to Live by for a Successful And Fulfilling Life

  1. Believe in Yourself , but Be Aware of Your Limitations.
  2. De-clutter and Simplify.
  3. Use Everything in Moderation.
  4. Keep Things in Perspective.
  5. Treat Others How They Want to Be Treated.
  6. Family First.
  7. Pay Attention to the Moment.
  8. Have a Positive Mindset.
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What is the number one rule in your life?

You put your own wellbeing before all other demands so that you can then be more present and help take care of what needs doing. Challenge yourself to practice the No 1 Rule for Life this week: 1. Each morning think of one thing you can do to take care of yourself first that day.

What are 5 rules to live by?

All right let’s go, the five rules of life.

  • Have vision for your life.
  • Believe in your ability to figure things out.
  • The third rule of life is to have fun no matter what, chasing your dreams.
  • Be patient but persistent.
  • Love and respect others playing the same game.

Why is it better to live by your own rules?

When you create your own goals and work hard to reach them, something happens. You feel a sense of accomplishment. You begin to tear down the self-defeating beliefs that you’ve held onto for so long. Your own rules lead to longer-lasting change: Once you start setting and reaching your own goals, it becomes a habit.

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Why rules are important in our life?

Rules are regulations that the people under a government need to follow. Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. Some aspects of why rules are important are: to maintain civil behaviour, be organised, more harmony in the community.

How do you make rules?

5 steps to making your own rules

  1. Get connected. Sit and meditate.
  2. Shed what’s not serving you. Make a list.
  3. Make space. Without space, there is no room for inspiration, creativity, or anything new.
  4. Allow creativity. Find something you like that is creative and fun.
  5. Make new rules.

Do you have your own rules to live by?

When you take the time to develop your own rules to live by, everything in your life becomes easier. You no longer have to ‘think’ about the decisions and opportunities in your life…instead you have a clear set of operating principles that make everything automatic.

What is Your Life my Rules one line?

Now, it’s time to scroll down and get some inspiring, sassy and cool attitude one liners to shout out loud “My Life My Rules.” Life is too important to be taken seriously. You could either hate me or love me, but that’s just the way I am. It’s my life, not yours so I’ll live it by my rules, not yours.

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What are your 12 rules to live by?

Ok here is my list of 12 Rules to Live By: 1. Live, above all else my purpose in life: to gain wisdom and compassion. Every single decision or action I take must increase one of these two. 2. I get at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night, and awake refreshed and excited for the day. 3.

Is there a class for rules of life?

Well, there may not be a class, but there are these rules of life that you can follow. I was lucky enough early in life to do a lot of reading about self-improvement and how to live life happily. So, these 22 rules of life I am going to share with you are time-tested by yours truly. Everyone always says that I have such an aura of inner peace.