
Where should Vastu Purusha be placed in the house?

Where should Vastu Purusha be placed in the house?

As per Vastu Purusha Mandal architecture, the head of the Vastu Purusha lies in the North East direction of the house.

How do you use yantras?

Using Sacred Geometry In Meditation Tune into what energy you would like to invoke into your life and choose the Yantra that supports that intention. Place the Yantra on a table or shelf at eye level. In front of the Yantra place a small candle. Light the flame and focus your eyes on the flame for 9 minutes.

Where should Shri Chakra be placed?

This ritual is for Hindus. After changing this mantra for 108 times, place the Yantra on the Eastern face of your residence or place of work. This is the right placement of Sri Yantra. Once you place them, do apply a tilak of Kumkum and Saffron.

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Where should Kuber yantra be kept in house?

The best place to keep this yantra is the house temple, Cash box, almirah or offices where financial transactions are made.

Can Yantras be framed?

We are the manufacturer of all varity of yantra in golden foil. all are available with framing ,acrylic or glass.

What is Vastu Purusha?

Vastu Purusha is the god for construction of structures and buildings. Once upon a time, an unknown person came into existence and he obstructed the earth and the sky with his huge body. The creator, Brahma, had made the person as “god of the house” – ‘Vastu Purusha.

How do you meditate on yantras?

How to meditate with Shri Yantra?

  1. Position the yantra so its center is at eye level and a comfortable distance away.
  2. Now allow your eyes to see the triangle that encloses the dot(Bindu).
  3. Allow your vision to expand to include the circles outside of the triangles.
  4. Bring your awareness to lotus petals outside the circle.
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What is the use of Sri Chakra?

The Sri Chakra is an important device used in the worship of the primordial energy which is the cause for the creation, maintenance and destruction of the cosmos. The author attempts in this article to provide an explanation for the mystical aspects of the celebrated yantra.

What is Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra and how to do it?

Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra yantra bestows the devotee with a sense of confidence and power to eliminate enemies Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra is a highly effective tool when it comes to rectify the faults that arise due to wrong vastu applications in a house, factory, office or any place.

How to do Sri Yantra at home?

Before placing it, make sure the place where you want to keep it should be washed ritually using saffron, milk and water and then by water itself. Sprinkle water at the place, spread red or yellow cloth and place sri yantra. Chant following mantra-“Aim Hreem Namah”.

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What is the importance of Vastu Shastra for entrance doors?

Vastu Shastra has great importance for entrance door in a home, as this is the place from where energies, either positive or negative, enter and exit a house. Having said this, it is obvious that if more negative energies are entering a home from main door then people in the house will not prosper.

How to use Vastu instrument for good luck?

The vastu instrument brings good fortune in business and attracts prosperity. It should be placed in the place of business or home on Wednesday or Thursday. Make sure to energize it before setting it up. Always keep this yantra in East or North East direction on an altar.