Why didnt Momoshiki absorb the rasengan?

Why didnt Momoshiki absorb the rasengan?

The reason of why the rasengan was able to beat Momoshiki was because 90\% of the chakra coming from that rasengan was Naruto’s. If Naruto was in Boruto’s position, he would of killed Momoshiki as well.

Who is stronger Momoshiki vs Kaguya?

10 STRONGER: Kaguya Otsutsuki She was strong enough to take on not just Naruto and Sasuke, but the entire Team 7, along with Obito Uchiha at once. Kaguya’s powers were great enough to reduce an entire space-time to nothing, something that Momoshiki can’t do. It is highly likely that Kaguya was stronger than Momoshiki.

How strong is Momoshiki’s Chakra?

As an Ōtsutsuki, Momoshiki had the ability to fly and his chakra was extremely powerful. His reserves were considerable, as he was able to fight for a significant amount of time against multiple Kage-level opponents. After absorbing Kinshiki, Momoshiki’s chakra became strong enough to create shock waves capable of cutting a God Tree in half.

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How does Momoshiki absorb ninjutsu?

Momoshiki using his Rinnegan to absorb ninjutsu. Uniquely, Momoshiki wielded a pair of Rinnegan in the palms of his hands, and also initially red in colour instead of light purple. With his right one, he could use to absorb any chakra-based technique he came in contact with]

Why did Sasuke absorb Kinshiki’s Chakra?

Despite his callous attitude, he is staunchly committed to the Ōtsutsuki Will and his clan’s goal of attaining godhood; while he laments Naruto’s inability to pass along his massive chakra to his son in his future, he absorbs Kinshiki’s without a second thought as per his wish.

How did Naruto get Kurama’s Chakra from Momoshiki?

Momoshiki absorbing Kurama’s chakra from Naruto. Momoshiki and Kinshiki took Naruto to another dimension and bound him to begin the ritual of extracting Kurama’s chakra from inside him. Upon absorbing half of Kurama’s chakra over a long period of time, Sasuke, Boruto, and the four other Kage arrived to rescue Naruto.