Tips and tricks

Do doctors make good spouses?

Do doctors make good spouses?

In addition to the more obvious physician characteristics (high intelligence, highly motivated, strong income potential), doctors make good partners because of their personalities, according to the aforementioned BMJ Open study.

How do I deal with being married to a doctor?

First, you just need to own your role as a physician spouse. Choose to stop complaining or focusing so much on the doctor in the marriage never being there or never showing up. Just own it and accept your role – who you are as a physician spouse and all that that means and entails.

What are the chances of marrying a doctor?

One in four women physicians are married to doctors, and 16\% of male doctors are married to physicians, says a survey of more than 15,000 physicians in 29 specialties that was published on the Medscape news website.

What kind of wives do doctors marry?

1. High-earning women tend to marry their economic equals. According to the chart, female physicians and surgeons tend to marry other physicians and surgeons or anyone from the medical field, such as Registered Nurses. Female lawyers also tend to marry within their field as well, such as with other lawyers and judges.

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Is it hard to be a doctor’s wife?

But even though being married to a doctor has many benefits, there’s no denying that supporting a spouse on their medical journey is a tough job. Here are a few reasons why. Medical life is not very flexible.

Do Doctor-Doctor marriages need more life support?

…especially if you’re a doctor yourself. One of the hallmarks of modern marriage in America is that people tend to marry other people who have similar educational attainments. This is particularly true of doctors. But a new study suggests that doctor-doctor marriages may need more life-support than others.

Can you be a surgeon and be married to a doctor?

About a third of the double-income couples were actually double-doctor duos, and in about a third of those marriages, both partners were surgeons. In fact, the study notes that something like 50\% of female surgeons are married to physicians. ( More on Too Many One-Night Stands?

Is being married to a busy physician leaving you a single parent?

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Being married to a busy physician can leave you playing the role of single parent. In all reality, I actually was a single mom at one time, to three rambunctious boys. Raising them alone, I believed it couldn’t get any harder than that.