Does marijuana make you introspective?

Does marijuana make you introspective?

Additional evidence shows that marijuana use involves primarily self-oriented cognitive and emotional experiences for highly introspective individuals, whereas for those low on introspectiveness it is characterized more often by perceptual distortions and sensorimotor sensations.

Is marijuana good for productivity?

New research suggests that wide availability of marijuana does indeed affect people’s ability to work productively—but not in the way you’re thinking. Common sense, supported by previous research, says increased use of any intoxicant will not be good news for productivity or workplace safety.

Is Sativa good for studying?

In small quantities — say, a few pulls of a joint — Sativas can stimulate the brain and creativity which may help some with learning. Sativas can also be a good companion for physical activity (hiking, for example). Beware, though; for some people, Sativas can induce anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed.

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Is studying Indica or sativa better?

‘ Indicas are great for relaxation, sleep, and pain relief. They are typically used at night, and are a good way to relax after a study session, or to get a solid sleep. Sativas tend to induce a more energetic ‘head’ high.

Is Indica or sativa better for focusing?

Sativas are known for their “head high,” an invigorating, energizing effect that can help reduce anxiety or stress and increase creativity and focus. Indicas are typically associated with full-body effects, such as increasing deep relaxation and reducing insomnia.

Is it OK to smoke sativa at night?

You will want to steer clear of sativas as these are among the worst cannabis strains to use before bedtime. One of the potential side effects of sativa strains is that they can cause your mind to race. This is possibly helpful during the day if you have tasks to complete and need to remain focused.