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Do you need certificate for extracurricular activities?

Do you need certificate for extracurricular activities?

You do not have to put certificates for an extracurricular activity on your college application.

How can I do extracurriculars online?

Remote Extracurricular Ideas

  1. Create a blog.
  2. Design a website.
  3. Volunteer.
  4. Start a podcast.
  5. Play an instrument.
  6. Join an e-sports team.
  7. Design a new app.
  8. Become an online tutor.

Do you have to put certificates for extracurricular activities on college applications?

You do not have to put certificates for an extracurricular activity on your college application. However, some activities might need a certificate, but these activities would be for professional skills such as cooking (you would need to be a professional cook) or a lifeguard (you would need to have passed the Red Cross courses).

Do you really have no extracurriculars?

Do You Really Have No Extracurriculars? The first step is to determine if you actually have zero extracurricular activities. Most students actually have a few, but they just haven’t realized it. Extracurricular activities can be almost anything you’ve done outside of the classroom that doesn’t count for school credit.

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What counts as an extracurricular activity?

If you have written for a literary publication, joined a competitive math team, or have worked with a local community college professor on a science experiment, these all count as extracurricular activities. In fact, these sorts of activities are often highly regarded because they show a passion for an area of study.

Is swimming a good extracurricular activity for University?

If you mentioned swimming as an extra-curricular activity then just knowing swimming won’t be enough. You should have won some medals or certificates for swimming. Think of your extra-curricular activities as a strong point in your application that will help you stand out from 100s of applications that the university receives.