
Can INFJs be shy?

Can INFJs be shy?

INFJs can definitely be bothered by feeling shy, since they want to be able to connect with people. Sometimes they can feel like their own shyness might hold them back in life, and prevent them from seeking out certain experiences.

How does an unhealthy Infj look like?

Unhealthy INFJs have a hard time not taking everything personally. They view any form of criticism as a personal attack and can quickly create a “me versus the world” scenario in their mind. They “door slam” too easily, and they may take on the role of “misunderstood misfit” as a way of coping with their isolation.

Why is INFJ so quiet?

An INFJ who appears quiet/shy/reserved usually appears that way when they either don’t know the people they are surrounded by or they don’t trust them. It’s usually because they are guarded until they are sure they can trust other people, which is often interpreted by others as being anything from shy to snobby.

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Are you an extrovert with social anxiety?

“While it may take on a different form than it does for introverts, extroverts can certainly have social anxiety,” says Logan. “Extroverts tend to be people pleasers, so an extrovert may feel anxiety over what people think about them or how they are perceived by others.”

Are INFJs emotionally exhausting?

INFJs can make powerful counselors, healers, and advocates because we have such deep empathy. However, it can also be thoroughly exhausting, especially when experiencing strong, contrasting emotions. 6. You bottle up and hide your emotions, but then an explosion happens.

What are INFJ’s biggest struggles?

Maintaining a balance is something that seems to come natural for some personality types, but for the INFJ, the temptation to live in one truth or the other is a constant struggle. 8. We want to be loved but we can make it hard for others to love us.

Why are INFJ’s so obsessed with Love?

INFJs are not alone in their desire to have love and meaningful connections in their life. I think what differentiates them from other personality types, however, is feeling like they rarely experience the connection they crave. It isn’t often that we feel truly seen, so when we do, we cling to the person that may finally be able to provide it.

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Do INFJs ever feel guilty?

However, INFJs are only human, and eventually, the feelings need to come out. And when they do, it’s essentially an avalanche of epic proportions that nobody saw coming. Even worse, we will probably immediately feel guilty afterward.