Tips and tricks

Which programming language is teach in BCA?

Which programming language is teach in BCA?

The BCA subjects cover programming languages like C++ and JAVA, Networking, Fundamentals of Computers, Multimedia Systems, Data Structure, Web-Based Application Development, Web Designing, Software Engineering amongst others.

Which programming language is taught in MCA?

Skillset for MCA

Good communication and behavioral skills A positive attitude
Confidence Strong technical skills
Good command over programming languages like C, C++, Java, .Net, etc. Good programming skills and hands on experience
Knowledge of data structure and database Awareness of latest technology trends

Does MCA have coding?

I pursued MCA from a leading college in Mumbai. In first year we had programming based subjects like C,C++, PHP etc and further in the curriculum you’ll have programming subjects in Java and Data Structures hence Coding is a must in MCA. Of course bif Yes…. Programming is important if you are from computer science…

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Does BCA teach Python?

ANSWERS (2) Yes, you definitely can learn any programming language you want.

Can I learn Python in BCA?

Yes, you definitely can learn any programming language you want. No one can stop you from learning. Infact, you should definitely learn Python, as it will provide you much information and knowledge.

Is Java taught in BCA?

Students are taught programming languages including C#, C ++, Java, HTML, SQL, ASP.NET, CSS, JavaScript and Visual basic in BCA.

Which is the best programming language to learn for BCA?

There is no proper language to learn for BCA. If you are looking to learn latest trending language than choose from the following listed below:- 1.Python :- It is growing very fast from last two years and most of the beginner love to learn this language because it’s very simple.

Which programming language should I learn first for Computer Science?

C, C++, Python, Java are the basic programming languages to be well versed with for a person in computer science field. By learning C++ first I cleared all the basic programming concepts like statements, loops, conditions, classes, objects, structures, inheritance, polymorphism,etc.

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Should I do an MCA or should I focus on coding?

Just focus on any of the skills required by the companies, not just coding, there are skills like Digital Marketing, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, Web Designing fields are in demand more than coding. Do not even think about doing MCA, now the IT industry just required the valid skills and knowledge so that you can perform.

What is the scope of BCA in it?

BCA stands for Bachelor in computer application is a three-year undergraduate degree course which takes you through the basics of computer application. It provides a student with all the basic knowledge about computer and its system which is necessary in an IT firm.