
How do you explain God to a 5 year old?

How do you explain God to a 5 year old?

Explain to the kids that there is a difference between God and their parents. This is that God is everywhere and they can’t see him. Describe God as a person, but not a real-life, flesh-and-blood person. Let them know that God is everywhere.

How do I talk to my child about God?

Here are some things to know for when you talk about God with your kids.

  1. Don’t panic. It’s OK not to know everything about God.
  2. Know where you can find some answers.
  3. You don’t need to answer what they’re not asking.
  4. Make space for the conversation.
  5. Be a learner alongside your kids.
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How do toddlers respond to death questions?

What do you say when your child asks about death? Take a slow deep breath and show your interest and respect for their question. Perhaps say: “Hmmm…. I can see you’ve been thinking a bit about this.” Before you rush to give an answer, try to understand what your child wants to know …and why now.

What is the description of heaven?

Heaven is often described as a “highest place”, the holiest place, a Paradise, in contrast to hell or the Underworld or the “low places” and universally or conditionally accessible by earthly beings according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith, or other virtues or right beliefs or simply divine …

How do you introduce others to God?

Communicate to your pastor that you are bringing someone with you who needs the Lord. Pray that God will open their heart as they hear the truth. Have a Bible study in your home or on the job. Hosting an informal Bible study will give opportunities to discuss spiritual truths with neighbors and co-workers.

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How do I talk to my toddler about God?

If you believe in God, tell your child and let them know that not everyone believes in God. If you don’t believe in God, be honest and say so — but allow your kids to also know that lots of people do believe in God and that’s okay, too.

How do you answer ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Keep it primarily work-related, show ambition, show that you’ve done your homework, and provide quantifiable long term goals. The key is to be confident, honest, clear, and succinct, and, of course, to answer the question. What not to say when answering “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

What is the number one question people ask about God?

Stephens-Davidowitz notes that the number one God-related question people ask on Google is, “Who created God?” Not surprisingly, number two is “Why does God allow suffering?” However, I was shocked and dismayed to see the question that came in at number three: “Why does God hate me?”

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Is it acceptable for a three-year-old to hear grandma went to Heaven?

It may be perfectly acceptable for a three-year-old to hear that grandma went to Heaven because Jesus called her home. While we will miss seeing her at Christmastime, we know that she is now in Heaven with grandpa!

How do I discipline a 5-year-old who won’t listen to me?

Reinforce good behavior. Though you may be sorely tempted to give your 5-year-old a verbal lashing when she defies you, hold your tongue. “When a child behaves badly, she already feels terrible,” says Jane Nelsen, author of the Positive Discipline series of books.