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Are Taurus people narcissistic?

Are Taurus people narcissistic?

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Taurus and narcissists both also tend to be bullies who always want their way and have intense anger issues. However, the most narcissistic thing about Taurus is their ability to talk people into doing things they’d never normally do.

Are Taurus people vindictive?

Taureans are usually very stubborn and so, they can be vindictive. They like to carefully plan their revenge, step by step so that there are no mistakes. However, they are very direct about their revenge. They will not sneak up on you and will confront you directly and will tell you exactly what they will do.

Are Taurus women more likely to be narcissistic?

As they tend to think they’re always right, and are too stubborn to change their ways, Taurus women tend to fall into the sub-type of narcissism known as the Know-It-All Narcissist. The know-it-all narcissist may have a hard time listening to others, as they are already thinking about how they’re going to reply.

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Are some zodiac signs more prone to narcissistic tendencies?

Well, that could be answered simply by looking at your zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign has specific character traits most commonly found within their sign. Without a doubt, certain zodiac signs are more prone to narcissistic tendencies than others; have you met a Leo?

Can you be a narcissist if you are born with it?

It’s important to remember that people born under any sign can show narcissistic traits. You should also bear in mind that narcissism is a spectrum. Some people are highly empathetic, others completely lack empathy, most are in the middle.

What is a negative Taurus and how does it affect relationships?

A partner of a negative Taurus is not allowed to ask for anything, only allowed to pick up after Taurus or pick up the tab. Negative Taurus lives on autopilot, travels in a rut, and takes you for granted the moment you commit. The rut they are in, and the demands they make, come from their anxiety about safety.