
Is there such thing as accidental sex?

Is there such thing as accidental sex?

Of the 512 (47.9\%) replies, there were 498 individuals who had had a previous heterosexual relationship and may have experienced accidental anal intercourse. Personal intoxication by alcohol or drugs at the time of accidental anal intercourse was reported by 43\%, with 41\% reporting that their partners were intoxicated.

Why does Wronghole hurt?

The tissue between the vagina and anus — internally and externally — isn’t very thick at all, and they’re almost stacked on top of one another inside your body, so pressure or sensation in one opening can often be felt in the other.

What is accidental sex called?

Introduction. Autoerotic death is a term used when an individual has died during some form of solitary sexual activity from an accident caused by associated materials or equipment.

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What is the definition of Diddler?

Noun. diddler (plural diddlers) A person who diddles; a cheat or swindler.

What does kid diddling mean?

Informal. to toy; fool (usually followed by with): The kids have been diddling with the controls on the television set again. to waste time; dawdle (often followed by around): You would be finished by now if you hadn’t spent the morning diddling around. Informal. to move back and forth with short rapid motions.

What is FIDD?

Frequency of Inherited Disorders Database. FIDD. Fetal Iodine Deficiency Disorder. FIDD. Fonds des Innovations de Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Innovations Fund; Canada)

What is Dittle?

1 : dawdle, fool. 2 : fiddle, toy —usually used with with diddled with the machine until it broke.

What is Didle?

noun A scoop or dredge on the end of a long pole, used for clearing watercourses or channels.

What does playing your fiddle mean?

To play the fiddle is to fiddle, and when you mess or play around with something, you also fiddle: “Do you have to fiddle with your pen while I’m talking?” Someone who’s “fit as a fiddle” is in perfect health.

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What does Second fiddle mean?

Definition of second fiddle : one that plays a supporting or subservient role.

What is Diddleing?

transitive verb. 1 chiefly dialectal : to move with short rapid motions. 2 : to waste (time) in trifling. 3 : hoax, swindle. 4 usually vulgar : to copulate with.

What does diddling around mean?

to waste time
to waste time; dawdle (often followed by around): You would be finished by now if you hadn’t spent the morning diddling around. Informal. to move back and forth with short rapid motions.