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How do you remove paint from plastic?

How do you remove paint from plastic?

Simply pour some rubbing alcohol over the item; use enough to cover the painted area and don’t wipe it off.

  1. Be careful with electronics. Alternatively, soak a paper towel with rubbing alcohol and place it over the painted area for a few minutes.
  2. For best results, use 91\% or 99\% rubbing alcohol.

How do you remove paint from plastic models without damaging them?

How to Remove Paint from Plastic (Without Damage): Put on some gloves. Rub acetone or alcohol on the paint in a test spot and keep it wet for a few minutes. Don’t get acetone on the plastic (it may melt).

How do you remove paint from furniture without damaging the finish?

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How to Get Paint Off Furniture Without Ruining the Finish

  1. Scrape the paint lightly with a plastic putty knife or a credit card.
  2. Try softening the paint with a few drops of olive oil.
  3. Test the finish before resorting to more drastic measures.
  4. Soften paint on a lacquer finish with latex paint remover or mineral spirits.

Will paint thinner destroy plastic?

Mineral spirits (paint thinner) won’t hurt most plastics but will attack soft plastics and will slowly dissolve styrofoam. Lacquer thinner will craze acrylics, dissolve soft plastics, and munch styrofoam like cinema popcorn.

What is the best paint remover for plastic?

For truly stubborn paint spills on plastic, turn to isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), which you can buy pretty much anywhere, including Amazon. Rubbing alcohol helps remove paint without melting the plastic, unlike harsh paint thinners.

How do you remove dry paint?

Dish soap and a safety razor blade can remove even old, dried-on paint. Mix dish soap with warm water until sudsy, and thoroughly wet the window with a sponge or rag. Hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle, and carefully scrape the paint away, keeping the glass damp to avoid scratches.

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