
Why is it important to spend time with grandparents?

Why is it important to spend time with grandparents?

Spending time with grandparents is an invaluable experience. Without imposing too much pressure on their grandkids, they can be a great source of companionship for them. Plus, since they have more flexibility in this regard, they don’t have to be as strict as parents are.

Why do I love my grandparents?

Grandparents love and care for their grandchildren. In fact, they are willing to do anything for their grandchildren. When the grandchildren are young, grandparents take on the role of caretakers, playmates, stress relievers, storytellers, and instillers of moral values.

Why do I love my grand parents?

Why are grandparents the best?

Grandparents are the roots of the family. They are experienced, knowledgeable and well informed. Grandparents are kid’s best buddies when it comes to having unlimited fun. Grandparents pamper you a lot and even love you more than their child.

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What are some happy moments in Your Life?

A person has several happy moments in life. When this question asked, many childhood memories come rushing to mind. Several moments’ like- parents praising us for good grades, getting a scholarship, winning basketball match, graduating successfully, getting the first job, getting the first salary, getting married, the birth of the first child.

What is your happiest moment interview question?

The question-‘ What is your happiest moment’ help interviewer gather the following information: Ability to handle the sudden confusing question – and to test how quick witted the person is. Ability to present the situation. Things that makes the candidate happy, and to know about his motivations. To know about candidate’s passion.

Why is it important to live in the present moment?

If we start living every moment of our life then we will easily be able to lead a happy life. This also helps you build good memories that will be with you forever. Regreting at present thinking about the past is just a waste of time.

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What did you get for Christmas from your big brothers?

We woke up to a beautifully decorated tree, huge cause our house was huge. Decorations everywhere. All kinds of presents. I think we all got a bike. My big brothers all got guitars. I got a great stereo. Little brother got the video game he wanted (Atari, this was that long ago). And of course the normal small stuff like socks and pajamas.
