
Is combustion a fast reaction?

Is combustion a fast reaction?

Combustion reactions are common and very important. Combustion means burning, usually in oxygen but sometimes with other oxidants such as fluorine. A combustion reaction happens quickly, producing heat, and usually light and fire.

Is combustion fast or slow?

Combustion is when fuel reacts with oxygen to release heat energy. Combustion can be slow or fast depending on the amount of oxygen available. Combustion that results in a flame is very fast and is called burning. Combustion can only occur between gases.

What is slow combustion give example?

When a combustible material burns at a slow or moderate rate it’s combustion is called Slow Combustion. Burning of cowdung cakes, wood etc. are examples of Slow Combustion.

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Why is respiration called slow combustion?

Why is respiration referred to as slow combustion? During respiration, oxidation takes place but energy is released so slowly that we cannot see it happening. Therefore, it is known as slow combustion.

What is an example of slow combustion?

SLOW COMBUSTION: rusting , digestion , respiration, cellular respiration,methane combustion, burning of wood , burning of paper.

Is combustion a synthesis reaction?

This is the most well-known example of a synthesis reaction—the formation of water via the combustion of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Another example of a synthesis reaction is the formation of sodium chloride (table salt).

What is the example of fast reaction?

Chemical reactions that complete in a very short time, such as less than 10 -6 seconds, they are called fast reactions. Examples: Magnesium ribbon is burnt in the flame of Bunsen burner; it quickly gets combusted with a noticeable spark. Similarly, a neutralization reaction between acids and bases is a fast reaction.

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Which of the following is an example of very fast reaction?

The reaction between sodium & H2O (water) to form sodium hydroxide occurs at a very fast rate. Combustion reaction like burning of fuel in air or oxygen is a very fast reaction.

What is slow combustion heating?

Slow combustion heating is also environmentally friendly using wood a renewable, sustainable resource that looks after you and the planet. Burning wood in an efficient slow combustion wood heater produces efficient home heating energy. Burning wood is considered carbon neutral.

A slow combustion is a form of combustion which takes place very slowly and at low temperatures. Cellular respiration and rusting of iron are an example of slow combustion.

What is meant by fast chemical reactions?

2. Fast chemical reactions. These are those chemical reactions which take place at a very fast rate. These reactions can take place in seconds or in minutes. In general the reactions between ionic compounds are fast. For example, combustion of LPG gas in kitchen takes place in a few seconds so it is a fast reaction.

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What is spontaneous combustion?

The combustion process in which a substance burns without the presence of an external source of heat is referred to as spontaneous combustion. Substances with low ignition temperatures exhibit this type of combustion.

What is meant by slow chemical reactions?

Slow chemical reactions. These are those chemical reactions which take place at very slow rate. These reactions can take days, months or even years to complete. In general the reactions between covalent compounds are slow. For example rusting of iron or fermentation of sugar into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide can take place in several hours