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Why might you be more genetically similar to one grandparent than another?

Why might you be more genetically similar to one grandparent than another?

Genetic recombination means that your chromosomes aren’t purely from one grandparent or the other one. Chromosomes get mixed and matched before they are passed on. This means that for a specific chromosome that you inherit from your mom, you are probably receiving a mix of DNA from both your maternal grandparents.

Why children look like their grandparents?

Some people look like their grandparents because they inherit a similar genetic makeup as that of their grandparents. This has to do with the Law of Dominance. Genes are hereditary; that is, they are passed from one generation to the next, and each individual is a product of his or her genetic composition.

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Is eye color inherited from the mother or father?

In general, children inherit their eye color from their parents, a combination of the eye colors of Mom and Dad. A baby’s eye color is determined by the parents’ eye color and whether the parents’ genes are dominant genes or recessive genes.

Why do I look more like my grandparents than my parents?

Their parents, in turn, get their genes from their parents. What’s interesting is that this transmission never eliminates any genes; only the combination varies. So, if your genetic combination is similar to that of your grandparents, you end up looking more like them than your parents!

Do babies look like their mothers more than their fathers?

A subsequent body of research, building over the years in the journal Evolution & Human Behavior, has delivered results in conflict with the 1995 paper, indicating that young children resemble both parents equally. Some studies have even found that newborns tend to resemble their mothers more than their fathers.

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Why are traits passed from one parent to the child somatically?

Because the traits were already there in the DNA but they were passed to the parents but they were not expressed somatically, however they were still in the parents DNA, which when matched up with the other parents DNA, caused them to become matched up and therefore expressed in the child. This is a bit like a lottery draw. I hope this helps?

Do I have the alleles of my parents or grandparents?

Even if your parents may look a certain way, their genes still have the alleles of their parents. In your case, a similar pathway can be observed; the alleles in you must have recombined in such a way that they represent those of your grandparents!