What were the views of missionary about education in India?

What were the views of missionary about education in India?

Christian missionaries hoped to make schools the spiritual and religious centers. Through education they hoped to eradicate the practices and behaviors of natives like Idol worship, polytheism, bigotry, polygamy and many superstitions which were considered by them to be much uncivilized.

What was the basic aim of the Christian missionaries in opening educational institutions in India?

Why did the British fear missionary activities in India?

Thus it can be found that while it is often accused that the Missionaries came to spread Christianity and are thus opposed because of it, there was also a counter force, in the form of the Company and few other influential people in England, who made an attempt to stop the promotion of Missionary movement in India as …

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What is the meaning of missionary school?

A mission school or missionary school is a religious school originally developed and run by Christian missionaries. The mission school was commonly used in the colonial era for the purposes of Westernization of local people. Mission schools were established in India as early as the 16th century.

What did missionaries do for Christianity?

Missionaries preach the Christian faith (and sometimes to administer sacraments), and provide humanitarian aid. Christian doctrines (such as the “Doctrine of Love” professed by many missions) permit the provision of aid without requiring religious conversion.

What were the main drawbacks of the modern education system?

Drawbacks of the modern system:

  • The major drawback of the prevailing system of education is that it is not easily affordable.
  • The government schools have not been able to perform as expected and they don’t possess a good image among people.

What are the impact of the missionaries on education?

Thus the take-over policy led to increased government funding, investment in science and technological education, increased higher educational scheme, improved program of teacher training, improved teaching/learning infrastructure, refined primary school education, plus a continued review of the educational system.

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What was the role of missionaries in spreading education in India?

Missionaries educated children in local language, raised the standard of education, trained teachers and improved methods of teaching. Missionaries were ahead of their times. Women empowerment would be possible only when women are educated. So, they began to open schools for girls.

What was the goal of the missionaries in India?

The main aim of the missionaries was conversion and large resources were spent on the education but these were not sufficient for this vast purpose. In India, Alexander Duff’s work was successful but not for all missionaries.

How did missionaries spread Christianity?

Perhaps the most lasting cultural impact of the missionaries has come through their contributions to Bible translation and education. By translating the Bible into the language of a non-European people, missionaries had to become pupils, learning the finer points of a local language from indigenous teachers.

What was the role of Christian missionary education in India during British colonial?

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Role of Christian Missionary Education in India during British Colonial period Education: In and Out! Ideally Christian missionaries hoped to make schools the spiritual and religious centers.

Do Christian missionaries need regular Bible lessons in India?

Regular Bible lessons were supposed to become the norm in the schools of Christian missionaries whereas the reality at the ground level for Christian Educational missionaries in India turned out to be otherwise.

Why was it difficult for the missionaries in India to succeed?

All that mattered to the people back home who gave the funds to Christian missionaries functioning in India was the number of natives being converted to Christianity successfully. It was difficult for the missionaries here to convince the people back home of the ground realities.

Can missionary schools force students to take religious lessons?

Any missionary school getting government funds could not force students to take religious lessons. They had to go through regular inspections by the government agencies with regard to compliance with the government rules and regulations. Another bottleneck for Christian missionaries in the way towards achieving their goals was the teaching staff.