
What does a simian line on one hand mean?

What does a simian line on one hand mean?

single palmar crease
A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. A single palmar crease occurs in about 1 out of 30 people, but is also frequently associated with other conditions such as Down syndrome, Aarskog syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome.

Is Simian crease rare?

The Simian crease appears approximately in 1 out of 30 people or 4\% of Caucasians and about 13\% of all Asians on at least one hand. It is even rarer to have this line on both hands.

Is Simian Line genetic?

As the transmission of simian creases is hereditary, certain consanguineous groups and the degrees of isolation of certain populations could skew these demographics (Rignell, 1987).

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Is it normal to have a simian crease?

STPC occurs in about 1 out of every 30 people. In most cases, it is completely normal and is not related to a medical condition. However, it is more likely to be present in people with certain medical conditions, such as: Down syndrome.

How common are simian lines?

What might cause simian crease? STPC occurs in about 1 out of every 30 people. In most cases, it is completely normal and is not related to a medical condition.

Why is it called simian line?

Because it resembles the usual condition of non-human simians, it was, in the past, called the simian crease or simian line.

What is the meaning of Simian Line?

Simian Line. The Single Palmar Crease or Simian Line is the name given to the joining of the heart line and head line. The quadrangle area between the Head Line and Heart Line is lost in such a hand.

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Is it rare to have a simian line?

I had a simian line on both of my hands. Doubly rare! What does a Simian Line mean? It’s where the head and the heart line are merged into a single line (sometimes called a Simian Crease). This usually means it’s hard to separate logic and feelings.

What does the simian fold mean in tarot?

This line signifies that the bearers emotions and mental powers are blended together. Normally, such a person will take things to extreme, they are intensive. Alternative names for this line are the simian crease, transverse palmar crease and simian fold.

What is the significance of simian lines on hands of newborns?

The Simian Line is higher than normal frequency in several other abnormal medical conditions. Therefore, one or more Simian Lines on hands of newborns is a marker of medical concern. A computer search of the medical literature reveals numerous attempts to link dermatoglyphics (skin markings) to medical disorders.