Tips and tricks

Why does my brain randomly go blank?

Why does my brain randomly go blank?

When you ‘go blank’, it’s usually because you are talking too quickly – thoughts are coming out of your mouth as soon as they are produced. If you do this, then your pace is too fast for you and your audience. The goal is not to say everything that comes into your head and then dive off stage.

Why did I blank out for a second?

The most common cause of blacking out is fainting. Other causes include epileptic seizures, syncope due to anxiety (psychogenic pseudosyncope) and other rare causes of faints. Other causes of blacking out may be due to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) and lack of oxygen (hypoxia) from a variety of causes.

Why does my mind go blank when I’m nervous?

A big reason people’s minds go blank is because they’re anxious. Nervousness prevents your thoughts from flowing freely. Sometimes you’ll be acutely aware of how scared and on edge you feel. At other times you won’t feel nervous, but will be overcome by an inability to think or act, like you’re being held back by an invisible force field.

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Why does my screen randomly go blank?

Since your laptop goes black randomly, there can be two reasons: (1) incompatible display driver software , or (2) a failing backlight, which means a hardware issue. Connect your laptop to an external monitor and check if the screen there goes blank randomly as well. If so, then it’s clearly an OS issue.

Why does my mind feel empty?

Other conditions that cause empty-headed symptoms include: anemia hypothyroidism depression arthritis lupus Alzheimer’s disease

Why does my mind always think?

OCD is a disorder involving constantly thinking that can result in anxiety, mostly stemming from a sort of inferiority complex and a bit of paranoia that things done outside of certain routines you’ve established will somehow negatively affect you the way of bad luck at some point down the line, like thinking you have to take a certain number of steps up a stairway so you count them all down, or having to finish your food in only so many bites.