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What is it like to be an INFJ?

What is it like to be an INFJ?

The INFJ personality type is a paradox. It can be hard for other people to understand. When I studied literature in secondary school, I love oxymoron — “sweet sorrow”, “beautiful tyrant”, “loving hate” and etc.

Do INFJs come off as clingy and needy?

INFJs need to be reminded that expressing our emotions is healthy! 7. You can come off as clingy and needy. Here’s the thing. INFJs are incredibly loyal, and when they love, they love more deeply and fiercely than even they can fathom; they desperately want the people in their life to feel appreciated.

How do INFJs express their emotions?

You bottle up and hide your emotions, but then an explosion happens. In true INFJ form, we rarely want to bother others with our feelings. Some INFJs may even view their emotions as a burden to others, so they keep it all inside. However, INFJs are only human, and eventually, the feelings need to come out.

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Why do INFJs withdraw from people?

INFJs withdraw to protect themselves. INFJs don’t like to shut people out completely, but we do so to protect ourselves from getting hurt, for example, from people who betray our trust and kindness. Also, we don’t shut people out after they make one mistake.

Constantly having to focus on keeping things organized and interacting with people, can be a bit draining. INFJs do love being around people and want to connect with them, but at the same time they are introverts who need a lot of time to themselves.

How do you deal with a bossy person at work?

Tolerating Bossy People Recognizing who is a boss, versus who is being bossy. Take a moment to cool down. Don’t be passive aggressive. Move on. Refuse to give someone “payoffs” when they are pushy. Try humor, after someone tries to boss you around. Ask your manager to clarify the chain of command when you start any new project.

Why are INFJs so good at adapting to change?

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When they are in situations where they need to adapt and learn how to become better at something, INFJs are incredibly skilled at this. This is something which makes them good at fitting into roles which might not appear to be right for them from an outside view.

How do you respond to bad behavior in the workplace?

A humorous response will act as a warning that their behavior has not gone unnoticed. Ask your manager to clarify the chain of command when you start any new project. If you have had problems with people in the past, you can ask the chain of command to be included in official project documents.

How do INFJs make decisions when alone?

INFJs rely primarily on their introverted intuition and extroverted feeling when making decisions, particularly when they are around other people. When they are alone, however, people with this personality type may rely more on their introverted thinking.

How do INFJs use their extraverted feeling?

The better use of Extraverted Feeling for an INFJ would be to use it to assess the INFJ’s rich insights and weigh them against the external world. When the INFJ personality uses Extraverted Feeling to cut off incoming information, rather than to judge internal intuitions, it is effectively cheating itself.

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How do INFJs feel about small talks?

We know that small talks are absolutely necessary especially when we met someone new. Just that to an INFJ, these small talks are so boring and superficial that they feel draining. When my students asked me questions such as What is your fave color?, Fave movie?, Fave food?, or Fave singer?, I literally froze.

Why do INFJs get bored easily?

Unless INFJs feel that the other person is being thoroughly authentic, we get bored and easily distracted. We have the ability to zone in and focus meticulously on someone we feel is being transparent but sometimes get impatient and even rude if we feel that is missing!

What are the biggest challenges INFJs face?

Crowds, noise, frequent interruptions – INFJs need their personal space and may experience great anxiety if they have too much contact with people in one day. Faced with such provocations, there’s a risk that you will spread yourself so thin responding to other people’s problems that you neglect your own needs.