
Did Goku and Vegeta fuse in the Tournament of power?

Did Goku and Vegeta fuse in the Tournament of power?

In fact, Goku and Vegeta seemed to have forgotten that they didn’t know the Fusion Dance until long after they fought Jiren. But he asks why they didn’t use this technique during the Tournament of Power, and Goku and Vegeta have a curious response.

Are Potara allowed in tournament of power?

Potara fusion is not possible in the tournament of power. This is because one of the rules in the tournament of power is that there are no weapons allowed.

What would happen if Goku fused with himself?

If Zamasu fused = Fused Zamasu, then Goku fused = Fused Goku, which would be between 10 and 1000 times stronger than MUI in base due to how Potara Fusion works, and he would be able to stack transformations on top of that.

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Why is Kefla allowed?

The item was allowed by Zenos because they felt the technique was cool, so there is a very good chance Kefla’s fusion would get the same treatment.

What would be Goku’s peak power if he fused with Vegeta?

Lets start with U7, we can assume if Goku and Vegeta fuse at the very start of the tournament without the time/power exertion limit of potara fusion, that character’s peak power will be SSBKKX20 (since ultra instinct and SSBE will not have been unlocked).

What happened to Vegito and Gogeta fusion?

Gogeta’s transformation at Super Saiyan 4 led to the fusion dissolving before he could deliver a killing blow against Omega Shenron at the end of Dragon Ball GT while Vegito’s Super Saiyan Blue transformation during Dragon Ball Super led to the fusion ending prematurely while he battled against the merged Zamasu.

Could Vegito defeat every fighter in the anime?

To be honest, if Vegito didnt have the time limit of their fusion acting as a handicap to him, he could most easily defeat every single fighter in each universe, even Jiren if he doesn’t mess around. Where things get interesting is if the other universes’ top fighters also fuse…

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Can Goku turn into Ultra Instinct in the manga?

However, in the manga series following on from the events of the film, Goku can now transform into an imperfect form of Ultra Instinct on command, leaving open the possibility that Gogeta or Vegito could make a similar transformation after a successful fusion.