Tips and tricks

Why is Iskcon hated?

Why is Iskcon hated?

The usual reasons for hatred are: ISKCON is a foreign organization with ulterior motives like earning money.

Is Iskcon doing religious conversion?

Iskcon does not indulge in religious conversion but only believes in transformation of people’s heart. One can belong to any religion or any nationality and can still practice Krishna Consciousness. People do not have to convert to Hinduism to practice Krishna Consciousness.

Does Iskcon hate Shiva?

Actually, ISKCON does not deny Lord Shiva’s supremacy. Lord Shiva is regarded highly by Vaishnavas. Lord Shiva is called Mahadeva, the greatest of Demigods. He is also called – vaishnavanam yatha sambhu – Shiva is the greatest Vaishnava.

What are the 4 regulative principles?

Contents hide

  • 1 No Intoxication.
  • 2 No Meat Eating.
  • 3 No Gambling.
  • 4 No Illicit Sex.
  • 5 Concluding Note.
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Is ISKCON not Hindu?

ISKCON is not anti-Hindu. ISKCON is the Hare Krishna movement, the modern off shoot of the Sankirtan movement started by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 1500s. ISKCON follows the Vedic system. Hindu is a word invented by Muslims.

Does Iskcon follow Vedas?

But ISKCON does not have a ground in Vedas and nay Upanishads. They say Lord Shiva is a Demi God ( OMG! ) And Durga is Subservient to Krishna and waits upon Vishnu to obsequiously to clean up after him (sort of! ) and the grand string of lies……. are all the concoction of modern Vaishnavism.

Does RSS support ISKCON?

No, RSS Supports ISKCON For spreading Vedic culture everywhere on this planet. And one more myth which people have, ISKCON does not hate non-Vaishnavas but we try to tell people about the Supreme Personality of Godhead ( Shri Krishna).

What is an ISKCON sannyasa?

Vaisnava culture emphasises renunciation therefore ISKCON has many people who have accepted a role as a sannyasa, or traveling monk. However, in the past many aspirants have had difficulty maintaining their vows which created controversy and scandal.

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What is the ISKCON movement?

The ISKCON movement has few parallels in the world in terms of its rapid global spread, its trans-national, trans-ethnic, and trans-professional appeal, its outward simplicity, and the devotional energy of its followers.