
What happened to the Sith cultists?

What happened to the Sith cultists?

The resulting explosion of Force energy destroyed Sidious’ body and caused the Citadel’s ceiling to collapse, crushing the thousands of cultists who witnessed their master’s destruction. Their demise, combined with the Final Order’s decisive defeat, destroyed the Sith Eternal cult in the year 35 ABY.

Are the Sith really dead?

The 2019 film The Rise of Skywalker depicts the climax of the conflict between the Sith and the Jedi, and features the group known as the Sith Eternal, led by a resurrected Darth Sidious. When Sidious meets his final demise at the hands of his granddaughter, Rey, the moment also marks the definitive end of the Sith.

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Do all the Sith live in Palpatine?

Grandpappy Palps claims that all of the Sith live in him. He urges Rey to kill him so that his spirit can possess her, and she/they would then rule the galaxy as “Empress Palpatine.” After a period of infighting in ancient times, the Sith were all but wiped out in a conflict against the Jedi.

Was the eternal empire Sith?

Tenebrae—known to the Old Sith Empire as Darth Vitiate, his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor, and his Eternal Empire as Valkorion—was an ancient dark side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for 1,500 years.

Is Darth Vitiate still alive?

After Marka Ragnos died, and the Sith Empire lost the Great Hyperspace War against the Galactic Republic, Lord Vitiate called all living Sith Lords to his world to perform a ritual to wipe out the Republic….Vitiate.

Biographical information
Birth 1460 BTC 5113 BBY
Death 3630 BBY (final death)
Status Deceased
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Can Darth Vader survive in space?

He just stands there and deactivates his lightsaber. Darth Vader suit is operational in space, yes, as it can survive for brief periods of time, as seen in the Lords of the Sith book, when he exits his TIE Advanced and jumps through space to get to an enemy spaceship.

Who are the Sith eternal in the rise of Skywalker?

While the movie doesn’t explain in detail who these followers are, The Rise of Skywalker’s visual dictionary and novelization name them as the Sith Eternal, a faction dedicated to bringing about a new Empire. Their creation was decades before the sequel trilogy, and their influence went beyond their home planet.

How did Ochi die in rise of Skywalker?

Before Ochi could find Rey or recover the Wayfinder, though, he accidentally rode his speeder into the sinking fields of Pasaana, and died buried beneath the planet’s surface, along with the Sith dagger. Why couldn’t C-3PO translate the writing on the knife in The Rise of Skywalker?

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Does the Emperor return in ‘the rise of Skywalker?

They’re not, though. The opening crawl for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker declares that the Emperor has returned, a fact that the characters in the movie accept without skipping a beat. There are plenty of ways he could have come back, but J.J. Abrams’ sequel only brushes against the details of the plot and who helped enact it.

What happened to the Sith on exegol?

However, deep in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, a group of cultists on the planet Exegol still believed in the Sith religion. They kept working in the shadows to install a new Empire once again ruled by a Sith Lord.