
What was the point of Avengers Infinity War?

What was the point of Avengers Infinity War?

In the film, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to prevent Thanos from collecting the six all-powerful Infinity Stones as part of his quest to kill half of all life in the universe. The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1.

Is Avengers Infinity War OK for a 5 year old?

Overall, Lamb only advises parents of children under 10 to take them to the film if they are huge fans of Marvel films. She explained: As always, use your best judgement. I would recommend Avengers: Infinity War for ages 10 and up.

Is there nudity in Infinity War?

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There is no nudity in Avengers: Infinity War. Not even shirts off this go around, except for Drax which is his regular look. There are a couple of kisses, but nothing to make you uncomfortable.

Which characters are confirmed for Infinity War?

Star-Lord/Peter Quill: CONFIRMED The Russo brothers have confirmed that Chris Pratt will have a role in Infinity War. Gamora : CONFIRMED Zoe Saldana will be reprising her role as Thanos’ adopted daughter, which will likely lead to some family struggle at the core of this battle.

Who are the 67 Infinity War characters?

Captain America

  • Iron Man
  • Thor
  • Hulk
  • Black Widow
  • Hawkeye
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Vision
  • War Machine
  • Black Panther
  • Who is the cast of Infinity War?

    The leading star actors of Avengers: Infinity War are Bradley Cooper, Chris Evans , Chris Hemsworth , Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Mark Ruffalo , Robert Downey Jr ., Scarlett Johansson , Sebastian Stan , Zoe Saldana . So far the movie has been viewed 128125 times.

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    What is Infinity War?

    According to wikipedia.org, Avengers: Infinity War is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers.