Tips and tricks

Can computer engineers electrical engineers?

Can computer engineers electrical engineers?

Yes of course, computer engineering has many courses of electrical engineering like circuit analysis and electronics. A computer engineer may go into robotics, system architecture,microprocessors. He may also go into an electric company. jobs as well as software jobs.

Can electrical and mechanical engineering be both?

Develop core knowledge of systems engineering across both mechanical and electrical engineering to boost your career prospects in industry. Through teamwork, problem-solving and management experience, you’ll graduate prepared to work in professional engineering roles.

Can you be a self taught electrical engineer?

Self-learning electrical engineering is possible, but it is not easy. You will have to understand your budget, schedule, goal, and way of learning before attempting this project. Also, it is crucial to invest in textbooks and online courses, as well as spend time in a laboratory.

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Is Computer Engineering and electrical engineering same?

Computer engineering is a branch of electrical engineering, and like the name implies, it involves designing, building, and fixing computers and computer components, as well as matching various digital devices to software programs.

Can you be a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer at the same time?

No it is not possible to get degree in Both simultaneously, However some college [provide a Minor degree along with major degree so you can choose minor course in your college and then you will both the degree but minor in one, among top institutes IIT follow such pattern.

Can you learn electrical engineering online?

Students can pursue an electrical engineering degree online and complete coursework from anywhere. Applicants need a high school or GED diploma. Some programs require standardized test scores. Enrollees complete general education courses and electives.

Is it possible to self-study electrical engineering?

It is possible to ‘self-study” any subject. Now, you may not be recognized as an expert in electrical engineering, but that hardly matters if you are doing this for personal gratification (i.e., hobby) or even if you have an entrepreneurial bent.

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How can I become an electrician with no engineering degree?

And with electrician experience coupled with design experience at a consulting engineering firm you may be able to register as a Professional Engineer in your State and be able to sign and seal plans. This latter point usually requires a 4 year degree from an accredited school but with 5 P.E. good references you can get around that requirement.

Is it possible to learn electronics and Communication Engineering by yourself?

You can learn a lot by getting your hands dirty. If you get stuck, you might find a book like the Art of Electronics useful. Yes it is. You can get the textbooks of one of a university’s curriculum for EE and wade through them yourself.

Can I do an engineering degree on my own?

Yes you can, if you are determined. Fully determined. Once you get past the basic engineering units (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing). Things get hard and complex. You’ll need a supervisor (one who is already good in the subject) to guide you through.