Tips and tricks

Is there a term nephew-in-law?

Is there a term nephew-in-law?

A niece-in-law or nephew-in-law is the spouse of one’s nephew/niece, or the nephew/niece of one’s spouse. A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister.

Is aunt-in-law a thing?

An aunt-in-law is the aunt of one’s spouse. An aunt-in-law can also be an aunt by marriage (female spouse of a relative).

What relation is my wife’s nephew to me?

Your spouse’s niece would be the child of your spouse’s brother or sister. Your spouse would be their aunt or uncle. At least in the US, your spouse’s niece would be considered your niece as well, and you would be their aunt or uncle, despite the lack of a blood relationship.

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Are you related to uncle’s wife’s niece?

If your uncle (your mom or dad’s brother or sister) and his wife have children, they are your 1st cousin by blood and you are related. You are not related to your Aunt-in-law by blood, only marriage. So her niece is not related to you except maybe by marriage.

What relation is my sister-in-law niece to me?

According to the relationship calculator on, she is not any other relationship to you. Your SIL could be either your spouse’s sister, but in that case the niece would also be your spouse’s, and you’d be her Aunt, OR the SIL is your sibling’s spouse, in which case the niece is no extra relation to you.

What do you call your aunt’s wife?

Explanation: The suffix “in-law” is also used for those who marry your relations – for example, your brother’s wife is your sister-in- law. (One exception is that your aunt’s husband gets to be called your uncle, even though he is “really” your uncle-in-law; and similarly your uncle’s wife gets to be called your aunt.

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What relation is my sister in law niece to me?

What relation is my husband’s aunt to me?

Uncle-in-law can refer to the husband of one’s aunt or uncle or the uncle of one’s spouse. When referring to the husband of one’s aunt the term uncle is usually used.

Are You genetically related to your uncle and your aunt’s nephew?

You are the genetically related niece of your uncle’s wife, but only a niece by marriage to your uncle. You are a cousin to your uncle and aunt’s nephew, but only a half cousin genetically speaking.

What are nieces and nephews to your parents?

Those are the children of your ‘just plain’ aunts and uncles. Just as you are niece or nephew to those aunts and uncles, so are your parents aunt and uncle to your cousins, who in turn are nieces and nephews to them.

What do you call the children of your aunts and uncles?

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Speaking of Cousins—There’s That Dreaded “Cousins Tangle!”. Those are the children of your ‘just plain’ aunts and uncles. Just as you are niece or nephew to those aunts and uncles, so are your parents aunt and uncle to your cousins, who in turn are nieces and nephews to them.

Is it legal to marry your aunt’s niece?

Your aunt’s husband is already genetically unrelated to you. That husband’s niece — who is the daughter of his brother or sister — is even more genetically unrelated to you. Not only that, but the law in all countries do not bar such a marriage between you and that woman — because there are also no legal relations between you two.