
Why is Harry the only one with glasses?

Why is Harry the only one with glasses?

I was wondering why Harry had glasses? JK Rowling: Because I had glasses all through my childhood and I was sick and tired of the person in the books who wore the glasses was always the brainy one and it really irritated me and I wanted to read about a hero wearing glasses.

Does Harry Potter actually need glasses?

Don’t have an account? In a interview with Daniel Radcliffe (73 questions with Daniel Radcliffe), when the interviewer asks “what is something you know about Harry Potter that nobody else knows?” He answered “ Harry didn’t need glasses, they were a fashion statement.”

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Why does Harry Potter still need glasses?

He simply needed glasses because he happened to be nearsighted*, and that’s it. Because he had bad eyesight, of course. That’s the entire point with glasses – they correct your vision. Simple as that, really.

Which students wear glasses in Harry Potter?

Known wearers

  • Cuthbert Binns.
  • Amelia Bones (monocle)
  • Borgin (pince-nez)
  • Amos Diggory.
  • Aberforth Dumbledore.
  • Albus Dumbledore (half-moon)
  • Elora Dunn (round)
  • Filius Flitwick (round)

Who wears Harry glasses?

Harry Potter wears round spectacles, like his father, James. Glasses (also called eyeglasses or spectacles) are composed of two lenses set inside of a frame.

Why can’t Harry Potter’s eyesight be repaired?

Harry’s poor eyesight is collateral damage from Avada Kedavra, the darkest of evil curses. Body parts that are damaged, destroyed, or severed due to dark curses don’t seem to be repairable in Potterverse: Mrs Weasley looked round and said, ‘I can’t make it grow back, not when it’s been removed by Dark Magic.

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What could have been fixed in the Harry Potter series?

Hermione could have fixed her teeth in the beginning of her year, but she has to wait until she is cursed to finally reduce it (and her parents are dentists). Dumbledore could have fixed his withered hand and broken nose. Mad-Eye fixed his eye or his wooden leg. McGonagall, Dumbledore, Percy Weasley and Trelawney could have fixed their glasses.

Could Mad Eye have fixed Mad-Eye’s Leg?

Mad-Eye fixed his eye or his wooden leg. McGonagall, Dumbledore, Percy Weasley and Trelawney could have fixed their glasses. Filch could have fixed his limp. Wormtail could have fixed his hand (I mean the flesh and bones hand. Not the magical metal one).

Why didn’t Dumbledore or McGonagall fix their appearance?

Dumbledore or McGonagall definitely had the ability to fix themselves. But they didn’t. They probably wanted their appearance to mark themselves. Or maybe they had too many other important things at hand (like Voldy) to care about their appearances. Or maybe this is just a MAJOR plothole from JKR. Who knows?