
What is angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range is N times the maximum height?

What is angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range is N times the maximum height?

Find the angle of projection for a projectile motion whose rang R is (n) time the maximum height H. or tanθ=4norθ=tan-1(4/n).

Is 4 times the maximum height attained by a projectile the angle of projection is?

The horizontal range is four times the maximum height attained by a projectile. The angle of projection is 30°

What angle will give a projectile the maximum range maximum height?

45 degrees
The textbooks say that the maximum range for projectile motion (with no air resistance) is 45 degrees.

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What is a projectile show that the horizontal range is maximum at 45?

The sine function reaches its largest output value, 1, with an input angle of 90 degrees, so we can see that for the longest-range punts 2θ = 90 degrees and, therefore, θ = 45 degrees. …

What is angle of projection for projectile motion?

One of the key components of projectile motion and the trajectory that it follows is the initial launch angle. This angle can be anywhere from 0 to 90 degrees. The angle at which the object is launched dictates the range, height, and time of flight it will experience while in projectile motion.

What is the angle of projection of a projectile?

(i) Angle of projection – It is the angle with the surface with which the projectile is projected. The maximum range angle of the projectile should be 450. This application is used for various purposes to send the particle to maximum distance.

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At what angle range is 4 times the maximum height?

The horizontal range is maximum when the angle of projection is 45°. That is, range is 4 times the maximum height attained by a projectile.

How does the angle of projection affect the range of a projectile?

In the nutshell, the range,R, increases with increasing angle of projection for 0° ≤ θ < 45°; the range,R, is maximum when θ = 45°; the range,R, decreases with increasing angle of projection for 45° < θ ≤ 90°. Horizontal range Horizontal range is same for a pair of projection angle.

What is the maximum range of a projectile at 45 degrees?

As the angle of projection is always acute it can take only + 1 value. Thus for a given velocity of projection, the horizontal range is maximum when the angle of projection is 45°. Thus, for a given velocity of a projection, the maximum range of a projectile is 4 times the maximum height reached by it.

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What is the angle of projection at which horizontal range and height?

The angle of projection at which the horizontal range and maximum height of projectile are equal is 11th

How do two complementary angles of projections give the same range?

Thus, for a given velocity of a projection, the maximum range of a projectile is 4 times the maximum height reached by it. To Show that two complementary angles of projections give the same range of the projectile. Le θ and (90° – θ) be the two complementary angles of projections. The range in two cases is given by

Why does the range of projectile vary with the quantity ‘sin2θ’?

The component v 0 cos θ causes the horizontal displacement of the body. In this case, the velocity of projection v 0, the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ is constant. Hence the range of projectile varies directly with the quantity ‘Sin 2θ’. The range is maximum when the value of the quantity ‘Sin 2θ’ is maximum.