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Is it appropriate to send an email on the weekend?

Is it appropriate to send an email on the weekend?

You should never call or email outside normal business hours — before 8am or after 6pm. Opportunity advancement emails – This actually has the reverse effect, giving the prospect an easy way out – “I don’t check emails over the weekend”.

Do professors care what time you email them?

The messages are stored in mailbox, so the professor can read and reply immediately or at any other time. Most people even do not check at what exact time of day the message was sent.

Should I send emails to professors on weekends?

Professors don’t need to email you back on a Sunday. If they’re going to spend their day off reading and replying to your emails, have the courtesy to say “please” and “thank you.” Unless stated otherwise, you should also be addressing them as “Professor” or “Doctor.”

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Should I send work emails on Saturday?

If possible, do not send office emails to your employees on weekends. They also need a break at least once a week.

Is it OK to send business email on Saturday?

Yes no problem sending work email in Saturday. But here’s the problem it may cause. It could get lost in a flow of email over the weekend and get buried in their inbox, so if you don’t get a response, then follow up on Tuesday. It’s not impolite, but demanding a response on the weekend would be impolite.

What are the advantages of email in PhD research?

One of the many advantages of email is that it facilitates asynchronous communication: you can write while the question is fresh in your mind and the other person can answer at their convenience. You should definitely take advantage of this in working with your PhD advisor.

Should I send an email to my financial advisor?

Go ahead and send the email— there is no reason for the advisor to not like your sending an email at any time you wish. It is his/her responsibility and in most case desire to do what it takes to make you successful.

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How to deal with an academic advisor who is treating you badly?

1. Conceal your goals. As soon as I told my advisor that I wanted to move into industry, he was done with me. He withdrew his support and did everything he could to block me from graduating. If your academic advisor is treating you like dirt, the worst thing you can do is to tell him or her all about your career aspirations.

What to do when your financial advisor is treating you like dirt?

The very first thing you should do when your advisor starts treating you like dirt is document it. Back up your emails on an external drive that you own or forward them to a personal email address and keep a daily journal of what happens. 6. Go through the system.