Tips and tricks

How do you become a pro in clash Royale?

How do you become a pro in clash Royale?

My Top Three Tips to Going Pro in Clash Royale!

  1. Recognising Matchups/Patterns: So my first tip is to recognise and analyse your matchup.
  2. Counting Cards: This goes hand in hand (pun intended) with starting hands.
  3. Counting Elixir: As with counting cards, counting elixir can be crucial for punish plays.

Who is the best player in clash Royale 2021?

Mohamed Light
Top 56 Leaderboard

# Player Points
1 Mohamed Light 955
2 LucasXGamer 800
3 Viiper 720
4 Sandbox 700

Who is the greatest Clash Royale player of all time?

This guy was Morten Mehmert. Morten rose to fame in 2019 as he led SK Gaming to their first CRL West title. In the finals the same year, facing Surg, he was part of what is considered today as the greatest match in Clash Royale history.

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Who is the best Clash Royale player in the world 2020?

Top Players of 2020 for Clash Royale

Player ID \% of Game
1. Bale 100.00\%
2. NekiLik 100.00\%
3. thegod_rf 24.17\%
4. KENTSUMESHI 18.97\%

Who is the best card in clash Royale?

Clash Royale Top 10 Card Review

  1. Skelton Army. This card is an essential to any player’s deck.
  2. Zap. The zap could easily be argued as the best card in the entire game.
  3. Goblin Barrel. The goblin barrel is the quickest counter attack card in the game.
  4. Hog Rider.
  5. Canon Cart.
  6. Baby Dragon.
  7. Valkyrie.
  8. Bandit.

What rank is the average clash Royale player?

Assuming this is more or less the average and where most people stand, the average rating would be around 3150 So if you have a rating of more than 4000, then you’re considered pretty good.