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Is Europe a better place to live?

Is Europe a better place to live?

Overall, Europe has a lower cost of living due to lower healthcare expenses, a weakening euro currency, and low inflation. Europeans, however, tend to pay more of their income to taxes, and average wages tend to be lower than in America.

Is Canada affordable to live?

Canada is the 2nd best country in the world to live, according to this US News and World Report. Thankfully, this doesn’t translate to the cost of living, and it’s only the 24th most expensive country to live in. So if you are looking for the cheapest place to live in Canada, I can help.

Is it more expensive to live in Canada or France?

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France is 11.8\% more expensive than Canada.

Is it better to live in Canada or Europe?

I live in Italy and I can say from experience of living in Ottawa and being to Vancouver almost every year that Canada has it better. Europe is known for its history which is why people go there (mainly to visit) but Canada has a better way of living even though it is not as interesting as most parts of Europe.

Which country is richer Canada or Europe?

Money… Canada is richer than Europe in total but many European countries are richer than Canada such as Switzerland, Iceland, Austria, Ireland, Norway etc… On the other hand, Canada is a more expensive country to live in especially in Vancouver and Toronto where the average house is more than a million dollars.

Why are cities in Canada more developed than in Europe?

Europe has more poverty than Canada and has a higher unemployment rate as well (more than 15\%!!!!). So apart from poverty, the cities’ development is better in Canada because it’s more modern and has better infrastructure than the older houses of Europe.

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Do I have to file taxes if I live outside of Canada?

For instance, when I lived outside of Canada I was not obligated to file incomes tax forms UNLESS I had income from Canada. Americans (even green card holders) are obligated to file income taxes annually no matter where in the world they live and even if they have no holdings in the USA and no income related to the USA.